
In the preview clip, the protagonist faces these problems:

School awkwardness.
Trouble acclimating to a new environment/school.
Having a crush/love interest (and boys do have crushes on other boys sometimes).
Struggle for self-identity.
Becoming Prom Queen (equivalent: Prom King)

Pretty sure boys can empathize and relate

Is it wrong for Twilight to change her mind or develop feelings? I mean, even if Twilight does end up with this guy (I honestly have doubts about that too), there's still 4 other ponies in the main cast who have - AFAIK - shown no interest whatsoever in romance. Are they not also sending the message that they don't

The concept of "real beauty" and "real women" is bullshit and is ultimately anti-feminist, misogynistic, and transphobic. If you're cool with just your natural look, that's cool. If you want to use some stuff to change how you look, that's cool too.

I don't see what the problem is with Twilight having a love interest. It is not new to the show. Rarity had one, Spike has one, there's Princess Cadance and Shining armor and Big Mac & Cheerilee.

So teens in high school can't be competent, strong, responsible, or have jobs? Please.

I don't see how this spinoff has to do with girls only as opposed to the show. I'm pretty sure boys can empathize and relate to awkwardness at school, having crushes (including to other boys), having friends, or having a rival/bully.

I don't see what the big deal is.

My mother is a judgmental racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic (yes) religious fundamentalist. She's the only mom I have, but I do wish that the dice roll had been better.

Personally, it's more depressing to think that God in all its power still made earth a crappy place to live for the majority of people.

I think it's total BS that guys get away with having pubic/body hair but society shames women for having it.