The ghosts Sam Darnold saw were players the Jets were trying to kill.
The ghosts Sam Darnold saw were players the Jets were trying to kill.
“How are you going to sit here and get all these people together and try to get the best talent for your league and pay them $27,000?...
I had a long diatribe written about wage inequity and but it all ended up with “Fuck Jim Zorn”
I’m honestly surprised that the players wont be independent contractors.
Why pay QBs $500K? Spread the wealth around to the other players. It’s secondary league/offseason football. Nobody is watching the XFL because of the QBs who can’t make 3rd string NFL practice squads.
“They do? Better fix that.” - Paradox Interactive
“$27k? Man, QA gets better pay than that.”
Why would anyone in Phoenix take a fucking diuretic?? Jesus Christ, just walk outside
A foul that stupid by Matarrita deserves a penalty kick.
Look for video on how MLS settled draws (ties) back in the old days.
If you’re using two corporations to show the wealth of TFC, I think the whole emirate, and not just its emir, would offer a more apples-to-apples comparison.
Brady’s case is exacerbated by the fact that he got genuinely fucked over by the NFL for deflating footballs.
It’s Data trying to mimic a smile
Yeah, except fuck all Republicans for what they've done to this world
It’s all fun and games until Belichick finally says,
Ironic to say that a team named the Redskins might take umbrage with the way they were treated on their own land and would remember it and imply that they’d actually ever be able to do a damn thing about it. Against a team named after settlers expanding west, no less.
Yeah, Larry Michael is a buffoonish shill for the organization. Shocking that someone so close to this team has a distorted view of reality.
The word find, you guys!
Dude, Michael created like a million trolley problems back in that one episode with the trolley problem. He’s got magic powers! This isn’t a new development!
"The second level"? Like the one Pitt achieved at ND? Oh Christ's cracker. "Wouldn't start"? Right. Lane Kiffin's awful red zone playcalling is the only thing that got ND to the NC game. Enjoy cheering for a team with two deaths on its hands, an actual rapist and the second biggest scumbag coach (well,…