I wouldn’t rule out that the Raiders voiding a large part of his contract without ever levying a suspension is not going to go over well in arbitration.
I wouldn’t rule out that the Raiders voiding a large part of his contract without ever levying a suspension is not going to go over well in arbitration.
What remains to be seen is if the Raiders actually can. There’s no way a grievance isn’t filed by the NFLPA, laying out what you do in several of your posts.
Nah, I want to know what colleges will ignore besides education in order to get talent on the field. It's the NCAA way.
And they were going to have the same medical liabilities with nothing close to the NFL’s revenue. That the financial plan was built on fantasy and based on interest that wasn’t there was a big reason that Dundon pulled plug.
You kept replying. Acting like you don't care is disingenuous at best and outright lying more realistically.
I know, the problem isn’t morons like those you choose to defend and yourself; it’s the people daring to demand better of them.
But did they actually watch spring football.
I feel remiss in not bringing up the existence of soccer and rugby which don’t require the physical extremities and punishment of football and that to some extent, football would have to supplant to really gain hold.
Excusing shitty behavior by claiming we all do it is pretty fucking terrible and mentally lazy.
If I didn’t see any number of people rushing to their defense, I wouldn’t care.
Yawn. Is that what you call wit?
#2 is still a shitty and selfish view to have. Especially if you're aware enough to have thought #1.
Tragically there are a few candidates for the title.
Literacy is difficult for you.
Bullshit. If they’re fans and had any semblance of human empathy, they would know the beating and punishment that Luck had taken to get to the point this preseason where his participation was dicey.
Boy, you're a fucking moron.
And it's also for a specific type of amendment that isn't very useful or binding. He's way down the list if you look at all amendments.
J mean, the entire point of it is to win everything. A season as playoff fodder isn’t much more fulfilling than going 6-10. We mocked the Colts for hanging a banner for playing in a playoff game.
*Unless it’s their daughter. Then they basically give her everything that they don’t want to give those other single or teenaged mothers because they’re whores.
Working with a company that designed and supplied the graphics for RVs and trailers, I think a lot of it is that the swirls are cheap and easy to make. Like the guy who put together the design proposals for the graphics even said that he’d done designs that used other elements to save his sanity and not a single…