
I purchased the car almost exactly as it is (but with a lot more dirt and slime) 2 months ago. The interior was fully stripped of seats and plastic, but only half of the sound/heat deadening was removed. Completing that is on my long list of things to improve. Right now getting better at driving is the priority.

Now playing

Thanks for posting this video Jalopnik! I also just finished editing a video from my second day of sucking (albeit less) at drifting.

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I agree completely :) Check out the second video I made of an event a few weeks ago. The next one is this weekend and I plan to focus mainly on throttle control and clutch-kicking to maintain longer drifts.

The welded diff is definitely twitchy. The 240 is not my daily driver and is only driving on the streets to and from the track. Once I have the ability to haul it, it will no longer see city streets.

I created the name "Drift Idiot" because that is what I am in term's of the sport. I don't mind being labelled an idiot in a non-derogatory sense, if it is true that I know very little about the field in question.

I have autocrossed my daily driver 02' WRX a number of times, and hope to take the 240 out to a few of them. I want to become better at drifting, but learning all forms of car control will contribute to that.

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It was :) Check out my second video for more conclusive evidence.