
Nice concept... But “Linux only”!??! C’mon man.
But cool story Bro.

Losing his job does not feel like enough for me. More public ridicule, as cruel as that may seem, feels like it would be just as justified as the ruling he made for the teen. Ridicule for him and the 100k+ people that voted for him seems like a fitting gift for all them.

Judges that get appointed can and do get appointed by politicians just as corrupt, if not more so. American or not, stop calling the ways of others stupid without thinking out the situation and considering the repercussions of your suggestions. 

This is a pretty good movie. I thought it was going to be a regular shmegular for the first few minutes. But it definitely got better soon after. And then, after it got interesting they tossed in the plot twist. The son could have been more problematic instead of formulaic, but Julia Stiles (who I am not a fan of) did


Yeah, sure... here he is trying.

The fiendish intricacy of that lease agreement alone makes this guy is a monster. He should not be allowed to own real estate... or anything that brings him into contact, or contract with the general public. His next residence should be under the jail. If this is what he got busted for, imagine what he has gotten away

Smart phones 101.
Do a post on innovative widgets and you got a story.

Suuuuper shitty people run schools. Not all of them, but sooo many that we should all be worried. The lack of fiduciary responsibility by that school’s administration is a clear testament to the fuckery those kids are exposed to. A sensible community would have not entertained this crap.

Tim Scott is a rock solid buffoon. He did an interview on CBS Mornings trying to pump his toilet paper book. First question they asked was “is Trump the best representative for the GOP”. He sidestepped the answer, looking like a doofus, and Gayle quickly cut him off before he could escape and said “Senator, you did

This is one of the more useful posts. Pretty cool.

Halle Berry’s dogs from Matrix 3. But they need their own trailer.

Lindsey Ellefson should bookmark this after fumbling the definition so famously.

Summer 2022, it aint.

This guy and Rosita from Sesame Place need to both be in line at the employment office.

“Pick again”

Agreed, no artist should be getting stoned just for filling someone’s slot that dropped out. Double agreed, Ye is a royal POS. But those unruly fans deserve to pay for tickets (which aint cheap) and then get no show for their money. Kick them out, have them arrested, ban them from all other performances.

Facts! And every empire stole from the nations they conquered. Conquer, steal, assimilate, repeat.

What you mean, “we” Kemosabe?

After your definition of “Grand Jury” we can throw this whole case out. But you can add “A motion of no confidence” and definitely don’t leave out the “fruit of the poisonous tree” doctrine. Both would fit well in this piece.