
My thoughts go out to how alone a person is if they die and are not found for the amount of time it takes their pet to eat them.

I understand the overall point of your statement and can respect that view. Also, 16 years old and premeditated murdering does not round down to child. Teenager, young adult, maybe. But murdering your pregnant girlfriend in an alley behind her house, hiding her body and wrapping her head up is not child like behavior. 

I am team melatonin also, so pumping this without really giving a good comparison to alternatives makes this a commercial more than a recommendation.

So you gonna do dogs and not do cats!?! That’s selfish.

It’s unfortunate that those on the right that speak up against this psychopath’s bullshit are forced out by the angry mob he has fed with lies.

There should be no doubt that this stage of Kanye’s demise is far from the worst we will see. His maniacal transformation will mirror and match that of trump’s as the heat turns up. And much of that fuel comes from the blind love (read: stupidity) of their followers. Those lemmings have so much in common, looking for

He looks like a super old version, of an old Peter Cushing.

I have wrestled with that question. It happens when it happens. Also, there’s that whole tree falling in the woods thing. Just because we don’t hear about it doesn’t mean people don’t endure the consequences of their actions. And lastly, for the reincarnation fans, Matt Bevin might just go thru a Ground Hog day

Another sad fact about crappy bottom feeders like this is that when their karma comes to punch them in the nads it will probably hurt not just him but some of those close to him. What he did with these pardons is evil and spiteful. History will remember him as toilet paper. Fate may not be so kind.

So, hopefully, this is the hill she picked to die on. Checking for Whoopi will definitely lead to a contract conversation.

And unfortunately, just like drugs, the end users will do nothing to stem the supply.

There are plenty of fragile egos out their that would be willing to pay for this.

This version doesn’t look anything like what Hollywood would use in spy movies. It looks cumbersome and jolly, not big and ominous. I can’t see Fed agents or men in black jumping out of this and handling business.

Now playing

You guys should have a dance off or something. Kinda reminds me of this...

I. Love. This.

His life is a testament to desperate people do desperate things.

I think a slower interface would aggravate me more than a lower quality screen. I mean I love the vivid colors on the 6 series, but waiting longer to switch channels on my cable app or going from that to Prime or the extra read time on my NAS would leave me with a little remorse.

I think a slower interface would aggravate me more than a lower quality screen. I mean I love the vivid colors on

This seems like one of those tributes that would have existed already, but, I guess, die hard racist south.

The headline made me want to go directly to the comments. But my eye caught the line, “butt-chugging sunlight and had to read on. Now that I’ve made it to the comments I wanna give you all the stars for posting the perfect meme for what I thought while reading this comedy.

“Nelson, who is now a graduate student in linguistics studying online harassment”