I would giggle myself to sleep if A) a bird shits on her, then B) it starts raining followed by C) she realizes she forgot the key to the cuffs.
I would giggle myself to sleep if A) a bird shits on her, then B) it starts raining followed by C) she realizes she forgot the key to the cuffs.
Sounds like we are in the same boat. I still have that exact same plan on an iPhone and have been seriously considering Fi for awhile now. $150 a month doesnt feel right as much as it did years ago. I plan to ask ATT if I can temporarily suspend my account, make the switch for a couple of months and then flip back if…
She mentioned in her concession that she is of Haitian ancestry and also that her parents are conservatives. On the strength of that I dislike her even more. Don’t get me wrong, “I’m rooting for everybody black” but the bs with this one is critical mass level.
She didn’t earn the money. She wasn’t worth the deal. But because she was able to get it in her contract she should take it. And NBC deserves to be punished for hiring her and displacing great hosts that they had already to accommodate her bum ass.
Yeah, I went to go look it up too. Kinda like something you would expect to be in the post.
The jokes and witty musings are tired as hell but still not as bad as these #DoingAnthingWhileBlack incidents. Rather than jokes, let’s talk about actions and responses to these incidents. Menchie’s frozen racist spot should be looking at a Starbucks level national shut down. Let em know how you feel. Drag their…
Aaaarrrggghhh!!! Some weirdo can connect totally use this to connect an email to an address, exactly what I want a weirdo NOT to have. The thought of this is giving me a rage headache!
So lemme get this right. The Post Office creates a service that I am positive not a lot of people know about, that makes us even more susceptible to scammers!? I know and care for several elderly people and I have had several instances fighting back the wolves. So at first glance, this is infuriating.
When hateful, repugnant, ignorant, disgusting people say bad things about you, chances are, you are a spectacular, amazing champion.
First I LOL!’ed then I had to think about it. That type of person is wretched to me because they are a tattling crybaby. Like the kid that says they are gonna take their ball if they don’t get picked to play every game. Having taught inner city k-12+ I’ve always been hesitant to use the term. To me snitch has always…
Truthfulness and responsibility are important traits to teach kids. As we all know, for many adults these virtues take a hard dive as they get older. I don’t care for the term “snitching” when used in the wrong way. Snitching can only be used on people who are at least partially in the wrong themselves (criminals…
Thanks for the links. I’ve been cursing you out for the last few minutes because the Find Closest ER Shortcut wasn’t showing up in the search results.
Many of these lines I whispered to myself as they were happening.
History repeats. Case in point...
FOUND IT! ...but won’t watch it.
Lou Dobbs has been nucking futs for what must be decades at this point. Here he seems like he is issuing in logic but my money is on him not wanting to lose sponsors over the 5150's he keeps booking. His hair dye has penetrated his cerebral fluid and there has definitely gotta be a Dorian Gray of him stashed in a…
Does he deserve to be stripped of his medical license, sued into the ground and his life ruined... as a joke... certainly. We can all have a good laugh off of that conclusion.
You’re on The Board. Sinecure.
I for one, would definitely not go that far.
Brilliant! I was thinking as a consumer but would not be opposed to producing it, especially with crowdsourcing stories. You are a beacon and my inspiration!