@pandafresh: Dice are only doing the multiplayer, ea's got the rest
@pandafresh: Dice are only doing the multiplayer, ea's got the rest
Kevin Spacey is Keyser Söze?
Marvel Zombies should have been involved somehow, would have been awesome.
@Nassin: That explains why my avatar (the best fu***ng avatar ever) aint there. thanks for clearing that up
There are too many youtube videos on the main page right now... just saying, its kinda freaking me out
I think "Half Life 2 : episode 3???" should be the standard reply to any valve related post... just saying
I thought they would have learned their lesson about having the power button the face of the console. with my chubby hands this can cause a lot of problems... well only one problem really, but you know what I mean
You cant blame me, I bought both of them.
And still, I dont know a single person that owns either an iPad or an iPhone, I must be hanging with "da wrong peeps ya'll"
I really think all this Treyarch bashing is laughable, sure their ports of the first two games to the last gen consoles were'nt all all that good (alright they sucked balls), but their entries into the main series have been quite, good nothing special but still very playable all the same. In fact the only thing thing…
I dont really care about all of this legal nonsense between IW & activision, if Treyarch include some variation of Nazi Zombies, I'll most likely get Black Ops, coz all the cool kids love that Nazi Zombies, Yo!
@Sam fisher's a aimbot: I thought it would have been an awful lot better in it's original form, but i thoroughly enjoyed the glaive anyways.
@TheIrishNinja: That was definetly my favourite, I'd like to imagine that if that was a spoken conversation, the mod's response was very deadpan and involved no blinking.
How long will it be before this map pack gets added to the regular playlists? when that happens will we have to buy it to play multiplayer at all? that would suck balls
I'm a gamer, I play games not formats.
Wont this make it easier for douchbags to raise their gamerscore through nefarious means? I see it all the time, fella has all 1000g including multiplayer, yet according to [xbox.com] he's never played it online, annoying as all hell. at least it cant be done with trophies, or can it? i dont know, they're all dicks…
Yoshi is way too happy to have a fat little plumber riding on him, IMHO. (what does this mean? I know nothing of leet speak, I assume it involves hookers)
I got some moon as a gift once, [www.lunarregistry.com] would have been happier with the money to be honest.
I must say, I stopped playing mutiplayer months ago, for two reasons...
@Maritan: If i were to comment it would be this, on both sentiments