
Thank you!



Umm... I really like it.

$20k would be my max bid

1st: $4.04

Give that birch a hammock

ohh yea; 10, 1, 7, 9, 4, 2, 6, 8, 3, 5, intro

I'm sure he did it quick to get it out there before someone beat him to the punch.

Hey did y'all see where I parked my car? It's the black '65 w/ a V8.

NASCAR just doesn't excite me. I've looked and looked at the above photos, and all I can think is "Meh"

6th gear: ... I want to see that commercial

Coming off of an 8 year rock crawling binge; the King of the Hammers is one of, maybe the, most bad ass off road race. It's definitely on par with the Baja 1000 in my eyes.

Should have done it right the first time with a 4BT, not the boat anchor that's in it now...

I'm 26 with a clean record, liability only, and whatever plan the lady recommended for me.

Yep yep! 16mph in 8th gear!

Well that's classic car insurance.

Holy crap I love that picture

This is my tractor.

That's crazy this came up; I was just looking at Bohm stirling engines as a mantel piece last week!