Yeah, I surprised myself. I agree with her...Go out there and do something. Now, my head will explode.
If we don't take the "fish" part of her quote literally, I think she actually makes a very compelling point.
Holy shit what just happened?
Holy clickbait. Only 1 student in the entire state of Mississippi took the test, and 11 in Montana. There is more scandal in the difference between the test rate in Mississippi and Montana than there is in the fact that the test takers were White guys. ZERO students even took the test in Louisiana, compared to 4,964…
In other news Wednesday, a wandering dog somewhere circled back to lap up its own cold vomit.
I'm sorry Madelaine, but I think you completely misread this and underestimated Katie Couric's journalistic skill in the process. In fact, Couric achieved her goal brilliantly - her goal being to normalize Trans people for mainstream America. You could tell the whole conversation was rehearsed because they had the…
I have no opinion on this issue, but ugh, I am so over this dude already. Maybe it's because of all the time I spend on Tumblr, but it feels like he's everywhere.
How about women get off their asses and actually MAKE movies and games that sell? Too much to ask?
Gee, you know, it's almost like men and women tend to like different things, which is why most video games and movies are aimed at men and most advertising is aimed at women.
It's not a law school principle, it's actually a very basic principle: A person who was just fired, and who is now badmouthing his employer, AND who has no one to substantiate his claims, is not a credible source. It's a principle that has legal application because of how important it is, and how easy it is for people…
Sorry Chris, you WERE a great punter. However when you starting letting your lips flap about your "views" everything went south! Football is a business and you were more involved in your off field opinions and less involved with the TEAM THAT PAYS YOU TO PUNT! It clearly disrupted the team's chemistry and THAT'S why…
It sounds great in theory, but here's the reality:
I think he's referring to it being nitpicky when it comes to the business of football. If you're the the head coach of an NFL team and you have a middle of the road punter, the last thing you should worry about is your punter's personal beliefs on gay marriage. After all, with all do respect to punters out there,…
It couldnt have anything to do with him being a punter, on the wrong side of 30, coming off knee surgery, costing four times as much as the guy they drafted to replace him?
It's clear that some people didn't bother to read the article before commenting.
It could be but I guess I'd just have a problem with an ally taking a serious issue and twisting it into a personal crusade where affronts to themselves are elevated to the same level as the actual issue itself and their personal martyrdom somehow becomes paramount.
There is an old saying in Japan: "Deru kui wa utareru." Literally: The stake that sticks up gets hammered down.
I kind of feel like Chris Kluwe's "activism" stopped being about the actual cause and started being more about Chris Kluwe a little bit ago.
I dont think he's freaked out, he just doesnt understand the appeal, and I agree with him. A woman's vagina is more appealing than a man's anus to any heterosexual male. And I know most of the country is nodding and saying yes, it is odd.