An obviously smart, attractive woman sticking with her philandering political husband? Are there any other good examples???
An obviously smart, attractive woman sticking with her philandering political husband? Are there any other good examples???
Clearly. Huma Abedin is gorgeous, smart, and politically savvy. You'd have to have serious issues to disrespect her this badly, but more to the point - what the hell is she still doing with him?
From's article on women and consumer pricing, entitled "Turns Out Being Born a Woman Is a Major Financial Mistake"
I think we're making the wrong argument here. I have had numerous conversations with women who talk about not having a good experience purchasing a car, or getting it fixed at a shop. My sister and my SO will not go to a car dealership/car mechanic without me or my dad. I firmly believe that the commercial isn't as…
They can buy cars just fine, though in my experience they do seem to not have the same confidence for haggling or bargaining for a better-than-advertised price.
Just because someone is an asshole does not make them automatically racist, but if they have a proven string of race based assholery, then we can apply the racist moniker. So, if that Home Depot asshole has done that to white, asian, NA or others customers then they are firmly asshole rather than racist.
Woah now. The credit goes to the Prince, who happened to have the right swimmer in the right place at the right time.
Looks like someone initially forgot the "L" in children
After first hearing this Rihanna story I thought they threw chips/French Fries..... how do you throw American potato chips/crisps at someone? Aerodynamics seems off.....
I mean, I get it. I go through phases where I can't bring myself to comment here or on GT at all, because no matter how much I try and put a protective sleeve over my feelings, there's a point where getting hammered still hurts - a lot - even when you "have it coming".
Has nothing to do how liberal a city is in terms of gay rights, environment, etc.
You have to put it more delicately - a city cannot consistently spend significantly more money than it takes in with taxes, drive all the best taxpayers out with crime and high taxes, and elect corrupt mayors and city officials that won't fix problems.
I'd be a lot more supportive of Whoopi's defense of abortion if she wasn't such an awful rape apologist.
Katie, I am disappointed to see such a closed-minded post on Jezebel, especially concerning women's rights. Women's rights activists are constantly pointing out how evangelical Christianity hurts women's self-esteem and how Catholicism has backwards views on women's health. Why does Islam get a free pass?
Terrrrrrible premise. So crazy that a sequel to a successful animated (read: for kids) film is doing way better than three REALLY bad movies, regardless of the gender of the actors/audience
Porn addiction is a very real thing. So saying that pornography doesn't affect society or hurt society is a misconception. There are two documentaries I saw that give very interesting insight to the porn industry and to the people who work, have worked or watch porn. The Price of Pleasure and Life After Porn. They are…
He is calling on men to rid it out of their lives. Which in a Church absolutely they should be doing. Shouldn't we have a place where we practice Spirituality and Faith that makes us strive to be better people, no matter what religion we are? As a married woman, as any WOMAN, this should be something to SUPPORT.…
This man has an opinion and is acting on it in a way different than maybe I would but still I really don't think he's coming from a bad place or deserves this much scorn for his views. He's leading a congregation of people who share his views and if they want to never watch porn again forever then I actually tip my…
This article is so...stupid.