cool... didn't mean to be so harsh... i did not know there was a "new" captain marvel myself... i'm impressed that someone admitted they were wrong on a blog post... You sir or madam, are classy....
cool... didn't mean to be so harsh... i did not know there was a "new" captain marvel myself... i'm impressed that someone admitted they were wrong on a blog post... You sir or madam, are classy....
Comic Books = WWE Wrestling?
It's hilarious when people are simultaneously ARROGANT and IGNORANT
This is retarded. Waddle got the most out of his talent..... the Worst Bears Ever are guys for whom we had high hopes. not undrafted slow white guys that perform with grit and toughness....
Derp you are right but you are going to piss people off here.
Similar thoughts. And I too was concerned about appearing to be a troll but I really am just curious.
Serious question: does acceptance of Trans people by the greater populace depend on appearance? Because I would imagine these two (and judging by comments here) would be looked on favorably by most folks. But if you took a 6'4" male-to-female pre-op trans-person with still lots of male characteristics they generate a…
Re: Feminism - because actions speak louder than words. Not quite on the level of Rihanna going back to Chris Brown but still a pretty anti-feminist demonstration
An obviously smart, attractive woman sticking with her philandering political husband? Are there any other good examples???
The weird thing about this story is he does not mention the race of the employees that accused him of stealing. I would bet they are either black (African) or Hispanic. I have been to that Home Depot many times and the staff is very diverse and pretty friendly - between them they speak 30 languages (it's advertised at…
After first hearing this Rihanna story I thought they threw chips/French Fries..... how do you throw American potato chips/crisps at someone? Aerodynamics seems off.....
Has nothing to do how liberal a city is in terms of gay rights, environment, etc.
You have to put it more delicately - a city cannot consistently spend significantly more money than it takes in with taxes, drive all the best taxpayers out with crime and high taxes, and elect corrupt mayors and city officials that won't fix problems.
They view the help as non-Muslim subhumans. That goes a long way in explaining it.
you're not addicted and use porn in a healthy way (i admire you). i have a glass of wine every night but i'm not an alcoholic. but for those who are alcoholics, teetotal is the way to go.
Great post. The country is friggin falling apart right now - there is no law and no point on focusing on a single rape when there is murder, rape, arson, looting etc etc. The whole world is watching Egyptian riots right now (except for Yanks, we're watching Zimmerman).
Hilary Swank??? Different fan demographics. Dancing to "On the Floor" and watching Boys Don't Cry and/or Million Dollar Baby not quite the same.
Normally not a huge Lindy fan, BUT she seems to be the only Gawker Media-ite with the cojones to speak up against Alec. Kudos, Lindy.....