
My first job was at a little town library in Collinsville, Connecticut; my boss was Katherine Hepburn’s sister, Margaret, aka, Peg Perry. One day, in 10th grade, I came outside after work and there was Mrs. Perry and another woman, with red hair piled up on her head, getting out of the car. Mrs. Perry very casually

rust was my everything. i still get weird pants feels when i think about his alter-ego “crash” 0.0

To me, this is the equivalent of advertising a push-up bra using a well-endowed model. Like, I get that it makes Heidi Klum (or some more recent Victoria Secret's model) look fabulously busty—but what is it going to do POUR MOI?

I am really into the 1940s now for this reason! I call it “adult woman” glamour, whereas in later decades girlishness gets played up a lot more. It feels like the definition of femininity turned more towards soft and sweet in the second half of the century. Even the makeup in the 40s is grown-up and isn’t focused on

The whole movie would be about some awesome woman living this great, exciting life and then there would be the moral of the story tacked on to the end and she would get her comeuppance. I always assumed that moral was tacked on for the same reason they always had the gangster say something like "crime doesn't pay

Is he wearing a monocle???

You clearly haven’t read the books - you’re going to continue to be surprised by that storyline then I’m afraid :p

Fuck : Oberyn Martell, Tywin, Drogo.

Slynt was a toolbag, and his whingeing at the end only made me that much gladder to see him get daid. Also, that scene gave us the delightful little Subtle And Maybe Slightly Grudging Nod Of Approval From Stannis.

Wurlitzer rice kitten feast

I am an avid jezebel reader and I have to say, I am totally disgusted that a website devoted to feminist issues would report on this EXTREME invasion of privacy in this way. Beyond that, to comment on and poke fun at a woman’s personal decisions regarding her appearance and personal well being is not only undeniably

You do your own eyes so much better than they did!

It belongs in a museum!

Oh, please. My baby is a way bigger foodie than these two. He only eats artisanal, small-batch, organic, raw milk from a local producer, warmed exactly to 98.6 degrees fahrenheit.

it's really hard to get food stamps. I've tried to apply several times, and I just end up giving up. I work minimum wage, my job only gives me 20-24 hrs a week, and my checks are around 320-360 every two weeks. I have student loan payments, credit card payments, car insurance, food and gas, and if anything's left, I

**Y'all - Spoilers below* Jes putting it here in case. OK?

I would guess because this part of the book was poorly plotted and even more poorly motivated. Why didn't Claire tell Jaime that the Duke was associated with Randall? Why the shit would she think Laoghaire was pregnant. In book Jamie's plan how was he planning to convince the Duke to take up his case? And I think

Oh god. Claire can get on your damn nerves, but she's cotton candy and vanilla pudding compared to Bree. I hate Bree. I loathe Bree. Probably my least favorite character after Laoghaire. Ugh.


Land’s End is to my late 30s what Old Navy was to my early 20s, and I’m OK with that.