
@Raspberry Swirl's love is on lockdown: @my cousin is an ape: HA - nope, not a bear. I hope he's actually nice - but the one time - he was NOT in the mood to talk to people. Plus it was at his book signing - so I'd paid money to be there. I was sorely disappointed and quickly gave the book away without reading it.

sorry to burst all of your bubbles about SC but I met him and he was quite rude.

She still seems so down to earth. I tend to like gross smelly things, but if I didn't, I'd totally send my assistant down w/ my son into the sewer. Also - props to her for fessing up to it!

@RedHotz: I'm pretty sure it was L&O because it had a real human element to it - but I guess it could have been CSI

@beliefunwrought: It was a weird one - and that she was in love with the man, but he was in love with her as a child and couldn't handle her as an adult. It was equally weird that the way they found her was because he had kidnapped the avatar online and was keeping her in a virtual cabin exactly like his actual

Has anyone seen the Law and Order about the guy who kidnapped the girl who's avatar looked like a girl he'd prevously kidnapped?

@morninggloria: that sounded like an excerpt from Little House on the Praire - or maybe On the Banks of Plum Creek

@JinxyMcDeath: seriously?! He thinks 7 hours is excessive? How does he have so much to do that 7 hours would be too much? what else fills his hours between work and bedtime?

@brendastarlet: If you use crab meat, add in some Old Bay, then bake it - you have some heavenly Maryland Crab Dip.

RD Jr - looking very benicio del toro...

@bananastand: ughhh - I guess I've met too many people (ok 1 person) who was put into a coma b/c of a bike accident that wearing a helmet would have prevented. doesn't she know that she can MAKE helmets COOL?

how comfy she is?

gift you want to return.

How about that clip from LOST!?! I'm so excited for it to come back on!

Where's her HELMET?????

@socktree: I just googled dysthymia and I bet that's what I have. I've been up and down through the years and on about 5 different kinds of meds that always help for a little and then stop working.

@TheHans: As of last night it came out really well, 6 lunch sized servings. I roasted a regular acorn squash, a golden acorn squash, an onion, some fresh ginger, and some celery. then i added the onion and celery into my pot w/ some veggie broth and blended it a bit to get the pieces smaller (i forgot to let the onion

This story is gut-wrenching to me. When i was 12 I tried to kill myself. People think that "children" can't feel the same kinds of emotions that "adults" do, but they can and they do. I planned for about a year how I would execute myself because I knew I wanted to do it, but I didn't want it to scare my family or be

@CarlinaZeikfried: seriously, what are you talking about. An adult woman bullied a child into killing herself. This clearly has a place in a court of law.