

I just burst into tears of joy


@50FtQueenie: come on FL!!! We schlepped, so lets see how great our efforts were to get the grandparents to vote for Obama!

Why does TD Jakes sometimes have a lisp and other times not? It's distracting me from his intelligent & powerful commentary

@scullymurphy VOTED - did you??: Did you read the article in the WSJ about how ANGRY the real Mavericks were about McCain and Palin stealing their name??? They were SO disappointed

@mulva: YES IT IS!!! and p.s. call babeland before going down there - they're getting in a shipment around 1pm tomorrow of more silver bullets and mavericks

@LadyNo Fondles Sweaters: EXACTLY there's no getting through there. I'm so happy that she doesn't live in a swing state... soooo happy! YAY NM for Obama!!!!!!

@BeAgrestic: the thing is - my grandma is SO smart and even a little feminist - she started a few different businesses in her lifetime and in the past 10 years or so made a killing in the stock market. I think that's part of why she's so republican, b/c she's all for their tax breaks... at least she said she couldn't

I just found out my grandma didn't vote for Obama b/c she's racist. UGH. Luckily she lives in NJ and NOT Florida. My grandpa in FL - he voted for Obama - and he lives in West Palm Beach...

175 to 70!!!!!!!!!!!

@stoprobbers: OH NO. I lived in NoVa a couple years ago - it HAS to be dem!! Report dammmmit

noooooo no more votes to mccain

why won't they call more statessssss?!?!?!?!?!

CNN still says Obama 77 vs McCain 34 - where did you guys see that PA went to Obama???

@BlueVamp: they ran out! getting another shipment tomorrow - call before you go to ensure they're there!

"And she thinks... the world is flat. G-d bless America..."