
NASCAR road racing is the most entertaining racing on TV. Heavy spec cars with huge power and small tires that can take quite a bit of contact at road course speeds. Combine that with drivers who don’t alwsy drive robot perfect on a road course and you have a recipe for awesome.

Nobody ESPN puts forward will be any good if their IndyCar coverage is any indication. Whatever your opinion on Hobbs and Matchett (I will fight anyone who has a problem with Diffey or Buxton), I guarantee you whoever ESPN digs up will be 10x worse.

I do enjoy the entire crew, but make or break for me is Will Buxton.

Honestly screw this news.

If they don’t keep Steve Matchett, David Hobbs, Leigh Diffey, and Will Buxton I’ll be very sad.

You make good stuff, people gonna copy!

It has a cooling fan... just like every other car on the road...

If this is a list of quirks, then shouldn’t there be a Doug Score?

If the protest occurs during the playing of the national anthem, it is absolutely a protest against the anthem and against the flag. No one is missing the point, you lefties are just too blind to your own agenda to realize what you’re doing. I challenge you, no I dare you, to look a veteran in the eye, then sit your

You and me both. But it would completely benefit the consumers, only us, and that is the problem.

I happened to be passing through Pikes Peak on a day he was shooting last month and was able to grab some pics while there. It was pretty sweet to see this car in person, however nobody was getting close and they were extremely strict about pics, etc. One of those times where you’re in the right place at the right

Your Ferrari F430 looks somewhat better than this Ferrari Testarossa.

When I see people carving their names in things at national parks and I confront them they always have the same excuse “well other people did it!” to which I respond “Moron, there are 15 names carved there. 1.5 million people visit this park annually. That means 1.5 million people -minus 15- aren’t as selfish as you.”

I find BaT’s prices to be insane. It’s the perfect storm of a shitload of well-informed enthusiasts in the comments blowing smoke, bored rich guys, and a never-ending stream of decent cars. I watched a ‘95 F-150 single cab sell for $15k or so. There’s an 01 Dodge 2500 bid up to $21k right now!

The only people getting offended by the name of this company seem to just be white people trying to prove how woke they are.

As a current university student, I know that American history is a required basic course. To assume the Confederacy was founded in the idea of slavery and that the entire civil war revolved solely around that issue means I can determine that you didn’t do very well in the class.

speaking of Burma, I used to grow this tasty Burmese strain, a really interesting mix between the Thai headyness with the growth profile and maturity time of an indica  

......... I think we’re all perfectly capable of reading what he wrote on autotrader like I did earlier, I believe the saying for this is “get your own material”.

Driver went full mustang. You never go full mustang.

Because if you can spend that much, you probably already own most of those.