
That “awful gear noise” is what straight cut gears sound like. Because racecar.

My question is... why would the control systems even be connected to the internet in the first place? If it’s for remote analysis, that can be done without requiring the actual control system connected. The only reason I can think that would be valid would be to initiate remote shutdown, but that can be done without

Stealing purses eh? Would you say he was a Louisville Mugger?!

This is a great opportunity to show that we actually object to police brutality when it happens to white people, too. It just so rarely does.

You are proving my point about coastal elitism! Everywhere else sucks by comparison, right? Be honest: Can you even point out Nebraska (or even neighboring Iowa, which legalized Gay marriage before the Supreme Court) on a map that doesn’t have the states’ names on it?
Lincoln and Omaha have huge and vibrant LGBT

Probably from the VIB readouts on the ECAM display:

When is Formula One. FIFA, and the Olympic committee finally just going to say F@&$ it and go to North Korea? What’s the point of messing around? Why not just take this to its logical conclusion?

The day Tom died, I sent my local NPR station the biggest donation I had ever made to a charity of any kind with a note to keep airing Car Talk as long as they could. I don’t care it’s not new, I still get a big grin when I hear that banjo music on Saturday morning.

For those wondering, here’s what Jordan Taylor had to say about the incident:

I’m looking forward to hearing from Taylor himself as I have the same question.

did he just overcook the corner, or was he having tire issues from the bump at Arnage? lots of speculation on air but never heard an answer. I still think Magnusson should have stayed in and instead of leaving 10 feet apart after the last pit, they would have had a 45 second or so lead, unless Magnusson had issues

And how much happier will residents be with a much less noisy truck in their neighborhood?

Honestly, garbage trucks and other city vehicles like buses are one of the few - if not only - places where all-electric vehicles would currently work without any real compromise or shoe-horning. Lots of starting and stopping (which allows for lots of regen braking as well as showing off the high starting torque of

Full disclosure: I secretly think that all LMP1 cars looks the same. Thats endurance racist, I know, but its true. /s

All true, indeed. Dad said he was chagrined, but had to agree with the mechanic as well.