you can also commit a felony in Virginia if you press the throttle down.
you can also commit a felony in Virginia if you press the throttle down.
If you really need your car to get to work, you need to prioritize your payments. I've lived without hot water, and lived on ramen noodles, but my car was never repo'd
This was on last night, the comments made me weep for humanity. Pay your bills on time and you won't have to deal with this. It really is that simple.
Not really full-on "drag racing", but there are multiple cars on the "track" at the same time.
Let's take it to the consumerist extreme - if you're going to fake the engine sound, put options in the infotainment system menu, and let me pick which engine I'm in the mood for! Program it to fake a Merlin V12, Cobra 427, heck, why not an F16 jet sound!
ESPN can absolutely go fuck itself.
It's hard to describe what it was at first. A cough? A hiccup? A stutter? The engine misses a beat on the highway…
I've argued this out with many a friend. Automitive insurance is in no way a scam. Like all other insurance, it gives you peace of mind by taking away the possibility of large financial losses (i.e. a million dollar injury because you rear end someone bankrupting you). The "scam" part, is that it's required. Like many…
I believe the Top Gear explanation was with understeer your car doesn't turn and you go off the road and hit a tree head-on and die, while with oversteer your car spins around and you go off the road and hit the tree rear-first and die. The difference of course being that with oversteer you don't see the tree that…
Who are you honking at behind you? How often are you backing into crowds of people?
Wow, how blunt of her.
Uh, yeah, I'd rather live next to me too. I have better parties.
By the way, I can see you. You are lonely, loveless and without any influence in the real world. Most of all you are judgmental, and that is why your neighbors hate you. The cashier in the supermarket you shop in hates you. The computer gives you an outlet and probably saves you from suicide, because feeling so…
"You little whippersnappers with your highly-detailed Sims! Why, when I was your age, the Create-A-Sim menu only lets you choose a head and body from a limited set of choices. And that was just enough for us!"