
This is hilarious:

Any chance I can get out of the grey? I’ve been a reader here since 2009!

That is a great looking interior. Koenigsegg finally built an interior that matches the refinement of their engine/body. Their older cars were certainly lacking in the fit and finish.

Looking at that video, the road looks awful. Lots of patch marks. How smooth is the road?

I’ve been coming to Jalopnik since 2009. It’s really gone downhill since the Gawker aquisition. I can’t stand the click bait titles and ads disguised as posts.

NASCAR on a road course makes for amazing racing every year. Today’s race was yet another example. I must admit, this race was much for exciting than a typical F1/WEC event. Wish NASCAR did more road racing!

This doesn’t make sense...The Orlando shooter was a closeted homosexual, he was one of them. Why people making this into an LGBT solodarity situation? It was a gay on gay crime

Because of Balance of Performance, I’m not impressed by Ford’s pole position. None of the performance is real, it’s all dictated by the regulators. They even said in a press release that they intend to slow down the Ford...

He is cool cargo shorts too

Agreed, if F1 puts a cockpit on the cars, they will essentially turn into WEC prototypes. F1 = open wheel & open cockpit

How did Hamilton not get punished for cutting the corner on Lap 37? He clearly cut the corner to stop Riccardo from advancing.

Has this ever been an issue in WEC?

A closed cockpit would look better than the Halo

Cop cars used to look like civilian cars with a light bar on top. Now, cop cars are rolling assault vehicles?

It’s interesting to see two mad scientists: Christian von Koenigsegg vs. Elon Musk, go in two completely different paths in terms of engine development. Musk is pushing for an all electric future while Koenigsegg is milking the ICE for all it’s worth. I’m very interested to see how this all plays out. While this

Mr. Orlove is certainly NOT sober right now, cut him some slack.

Tavarish my friend, I love your articles but you went way too far down the rabbit hole on this one. There is no way this Viper will be running for $23k. No way, too good to be true.

This ^^

The Gen-6 just seems like a huge waste of money. As some else mentioned, why not build a shit load of drones instead?

If you drive fast enough, the interior of a vehicle does not get wet. Try it out with your sunroof, it’s neat!