Seems very odd that Chiron was able to ruin Nice’s life after making comments at a party. There HAS to be more to the story. Nice must have been hiding something.
Seems very odd that Chiron was able to ruin Nice’s life after making comments at a party. There HAS to be more to the story. Nice must have been hiding something.
When the Veyron was released in 2005, nothing came close to it in terms of performance. The Veyron was truly a unique automobile. Bugatti did not intend for this car to be cost effective. It’s purpose was to be the fastest road car in the world, while mainting a high-standard of luxury. The same cannot be said for…
“So why are we showing you these very unpleasant videos?”
This story is the reason I keep coming back to Jalopnik. It’s unique and well written. Keep up the good work Tyler!
Any idea what HP it puts out?
What purpose does the B-1 serve? One would think satelites would make it obsolete.
This “test” has as much validity as a DARE course (remember that propoganda from school?)
Please Please Please Keep Flight Club!Ci absolutely love the site. I’m guessing it’s tough to a find a writer dedicated to the topic?
I find it ironic that America’s greatest war machines (carriers) are no where near our near our biggest enemy (ISIS).
You’re wrong, profit margins for custom cars are very low. If selling custom cars had 50% margins, then you would see A LOT more firms in the industry. Ask any hotrodder and they will all say that they do it out of passion, not money. As we all know, cars can be huge money pits and are only worth anything in the eye…
Why keep being “expected” to be the world police? Why don’t we sinply “do less”? Aircraft carriers have not been needed since WWII except to show off our dominance. As we have demonstrated, you can’t fight ISIS with carriers.
Please keep us updated on Randy’s endevours. His story seems incredible.
I said exciting “session” not “season”. This is the first qualifying I have watched all year because I am tired of F1. You made some very valid points.
Very exciting session thus far. It’s fun to see drivers really push the cars. Everyone is getting loose and struggling to stay on track. This is racing!
Please do a boat next
That fly-by was intentional.
I’ve lost a lot of respect for Robert O’Neil. He is a sell-out
7 a.m.-9 a.m. on Fox Sports 2, 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. on Fox Sports 1
Tyler, it is fascinating that private contracotrs have access to such powerful aircraft. And they work alongside active, modern military airframes.