
Your new nickname will be "Pageviews Paul"

Slow Sunday?

Gawker: Where white people hate other white people

Jezebel is SO pissed that the rape never happened. You women will so anything to reverse the news

I have never seen before. I think I just fell in love. Thanks for sharing

That's a great photo. Awesome dad!

Where are the Gawker pundits??? Oh the humanity! A BLACK person was CHOKED! I can't believe they aren't rioting yet!

I couldn't agree more.

Further evidence of the pussification of America

"Aston is preparing to raise funds by issuing shares or bonds"

Too bad that host is such a tool. Could have been a great clip otherwise

CNN and Fox make up news everyday, why don't you?

"The Barack Obama of Bugatti"

A well run ship is the sum of its parts. If the crew dresses sloppy they most likely slack in other areas too

I saw a documentary once about British Airways flight attendant training. It was really intense. They had to get their uniforms, serving and safety 100% correct. You can find it on Youtube if interested.

This car needs to get out racing now!

"Mercedes' net expenditures on their F1 program were approximately $161 million dollars, while VAG's total expenditures on their sportscar and touring car programs totaled $396 million dollars."

Who cares?

The sheer amount of specialized tools and testing equipment make F1 a daunting task for any new team. The capital requirements are insane

Paul, can you do a piece on that de-icing machine in the lead picture? It looks crazy!