
That is assuming that the traffic AI is the problem and not his ability to intelligently design a road system. "I have 6 lane roads!" doesn't actually mean the roads are laid out well.

That seems like a reasonable explanation to me.

making it ugly was unnecessary. Whatever goals they were trying to achieve could have been done without making it look like that.

Maybe it's just me but this seems REALLY dark. It's kind of ruining the immersion for me. I may also be assuming too much about the lighting abilities of early 20th century light bulks. I would have expected the Titanic was brightly lit inside, after all... opulence.

If hitting your dog doesn't work, why would it work on an animal that's more psychologically complicated?

maybe "shake the shit out of him" isn't the best visual if you just grab his shoulder. Why would anyone not take you at your word? If you ACTUALLY did the exact things you are saying and not just exaggerating someone needs to call CPS and have your kids taken away because you're an abusive shit-bag of a parent. If

I think you missed something. The 2 frigates and couple fighers are whats left over after the main Taiidan fleet left. You should see a cut scene where they watch a recording pulled from the frigate you capture. The voice over talks about how there was a huge battle while you were gone, big Taiidan fleet throwing down

I went to the panel at PAX South. Honestly it seems like they just took a couple artists, sat them down with the original designers and just made the game as beautiful as possible. It's fundamentally the same game, it's just "the game they wanted to make visually, but couldn't" For comparison one of the designers said

most shooters also at least come with multiplayer so you can milk a few more hours out of it, this game doesn't even grace you with multiplayer...

you might be able to get $40 or $50 out of me for THE BEST 7 hours of gaming in my entire life. However, it appears this game isn't that... or really even remotely close.

The only way to be effective at that level of a company is to delegate to competent people. The trick to being successful is figuring out what people are competent.

go look up five nights at Freddys on YouTube and blame your future insomnia on those.

The struggle is real.

In single player? is getting banned for exploits in single player even a thing?

Dang Australia, you crazy.

I typically go super obvious and end with a /sarcasm.

That way the mouth breathers stand a better chance of understanding. ;)

Shouting at people isn't "helping" them. They've done studies that have proved that if you're legitimately trying to help someone then shouting at them will get you way worse results than if you didn't shout at them. So while you claim in these comments you're helping, you're not helping as much as you think you are...

I imagine this would be distracting to the operator, they need to focus on the one aircraft they are refueling. I may be wrong but I imagine that there would be an operator for each of the three drogues, as the operators have to fly them. One person would not be able to fly 3 drogues simultaneously. As for spatial

Irony - Some keyboard warrior complaining about someone else misspelling "impractical" while they misspell the phrase "in otherwards" and fail to even spell "word" correctly.

At any rate, congratulations, sir. You seem to have a much greater need for English classes than maxburto.

nobody is infringing this guy's right to make a video game... There are no 1st amendment issues here.