Dolly is not just a feminist icon, she's an icon, period. She's a sweet Southern belle version of Johnny Cash - she just don't give a fuck what people think. That's why I love her.
Wow. Such unvarnished asshattery does not come naturally -like Kung-Fu, it must be learned from a master, then honed over years of practice.
@andBegorrah: Yep, made me tear up. Dammit. Nothing better than a big, slurpy puppy dog.
@southernbitch: a Cajun...does that mean you're getting some "coonass ass?"
Jesus Tapdancing Christ. I'm going to go scoop my brains out with a rusty spoon now. *shudder* one of Jezebel's resident mens, I just wanna this pooping trouble some female "thing?" Because every woman I know (whom I've ever discussed the shizzle with) is an unfortunate sufferer from such ills. Missuz Whiplash is no exception.
@braak: There's also the big difference about prostate cancer: it tends to progress much more slowly than many other types, and is usually caught much earlier than ovarian cancer, which often has much vaguer symptoms.
@tscheese: Basically if he can't get it up, there are far fewer chances of babymaking. Whereas a woman doesn't have to be aroused to conceive.
@xay: You sound like Mrs. Whiplash. She doesn't give a fuck, and WILL yank a knot in other people's kids' asses if they're being mean to our kids or other kids. Love that.
@KimberleeJ: It always reminds me of this. What's wrong wit this picture of teh partial birth abortion banning signing?
@lasaraleen: Also, they told us it was ok for girls to masturbate, but not boys
Pancreatic cancer and brain cancer makes me want to get a full-body MRI or CT or whatever every year.
I love the feigned concern about her drinking. Classic.
Eechh...I'm pretty nondiscriminating when it comes to little chocolate pussies, but...I'm not so sure about that one. Guess we'll have to take your word on how the real thing looks, eh? ;P
Crap. Y'all said "tiny" - guess you weren't kidding. 4'11. Sheesh. Baby shoulda been in Lord of The Rings.