Any other deals on Destiny: The Taken King? I don’t really want a Dell gift card, hahaha.
Any other deals on Destiny: The Taken King? I don’t really want a Dell gift card, hahaha.
I thought about getting this, but between Netflix and other services, I am enjoying not seeing advertisements on my television too much to get one.
I thought about getting this, but between Netflix and other services, I am enjoying not seeing advertisements on my…
I also posted this desk. I get to put it together when I get home today. :)
I also posted this desk. I get to put it together when I get home today. :)
I just bought this over the weekend:
I just bought this over the weekend:
Bank of America has a “Keep the Change” program, and Digit offers something similar to a round-up program. Check this article out: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mybanktracker/…
Too late! I went with Acorns. I could still see using Robinhood if someone wanted to be more hands on with their investing though. They seem like a nice startup.
Great read! Anyone who comments on this is probably on a government watch list.
Yes, but it’s heavily modified to be more “Amazon-y” :)
That’s what I was referring to! I didn’t see it was also updated. Thanks!
USB OTG support for keyboards, or a compact bluetooth keyboard negates needing to use the touchscreen for typing. :)
Can’t wait until this is ported to the OnePlus One (Or maybe 2!) :)
Will I have the option to let the enemy keep Philadelphia and fight somewhere else?
Thank you! :)
Holy crap, how do I buy these for my daughter? :D
I was going to say, he wins Best Screenname. :)
That’s really generous of you and a great idea. Your friends are lucky to have you.
My ex was abusive and it got to the point where I had to leave and sleep in my car... luckily that didn’t last long and with the help of family I got back on my feet. It’s scary not having a place to call home, awkward when someone asks where you're staying/living, and embarrassing when someone needs your address and…
I’m sorry to hear that. :(
Good to hear you’re on the up and up. Good luck!