
I am currently a (grad) student at the UW, and I think the campus cops are doing well. Every time a sexual assault is reported, an email goes out to all the students and faculty to notify them. (Same goes for burglary, etc.) It makes the campus sound more dangerous than it probably is, but they're hyper-responsible

Conflating safety tips to with victim blaming is disingenuous and dangerous. Sure, no one should ever violate anyone ever. Since some people don't ascribe to that rule, taking steps to protect yourself isn't bad advice. It is like saying terrorism shouldn't exist, so we shouldn't have anti-terror efforts.

He claimed after the fact that they were actors, but they probably weren't and he's offered no proof that they were. He's not in jail or facing a court date because the women didn't report it, obviously. Street harassment is a daily thing for some women, getting your ass grabbed is not something most women would think

You don't have to forgive. Forgiveness is a gift, not a requirement. There's a cult of thinking that says you have to forgive in order to move on. You don't. Do what works for you in living your life your way. Sending you good vibes.

I like to think that I'm a very forgiving person, but I don't know if I could forgive a rapist. I just don't know.

Don't build her up to anything more than what she is, a person using her celebrity to bring attention to a serious matter. No one stands on a pedestal for long and if she tumbles, some will associate her fall with her views and that isn't fair to the cause. Example: Livestrong (a noble cause) and Lance Armstrong.

I'm going be a bit of a Debbie Downer and point out that Watson's talking points were a) pretty basic Feminism 101 and b) a little bit shallow with little in terms of objectives. I genuinely appreciate these celebrities volunteering their time to promote worthy causes, and I am a fan of the possibility of the UN's

I assume that is a place mat at the local Waffle House?

They should suspend him without pay.

I tried it for a couple years and I hated it. I hated the cold impersonal feel to it. I hated that I couldn't get to know somebody without the looming "will this work? Will this go somewhere?" over both our heads. I hated that it was a cold numbers game. It always felt like shopping and I can't say that's a feeling

I was once thrown into the street by a mentally ill person - in the path of oncoming traffic - and the four or five people walking on the street near me all just stood and watched as I jumped out of the way and attempted to brush myself off (the guy, who when it happened was walking towards me and just spontaneously

panties OFF.

DAMN. Although that last one is on point.

Someone's going to do it...

Aaaaaand he seems to have really pissed off Maggie Serota.

(Sorry for the huge pic)

Between my breathing and someone else's baby, I know which one I would take.

Noise canceling headphones do nothing at the frequency of a child's voice. It would introduce more noise than you would cancel, unless you had some sort of fancy version with microphones and cancellers on both channels. If you want to block out those frequencies, you need in ear headphones.

Believe me, most parents do not want to take newborns to young toddlers (2yrs) on flights either. If they do it, it's because they have to. If they're taking red-eyes, it's because they have to - to save money or for schedule issues. Traveling with a small child is infinitely more stressful for the parent than for

I'm not a parent and I generally hate kids, but—what if you have kids and need to travel at that time?