Here's where I lose you:
Here's where I lose you:
Young has the look... but old is hard as nails.
And James Caan for The Saint.
Y: the last man should definitely get this treatment.
I'll just leave this here.
Can someone please establish whether Gallup is a load of wank so I can sleep at night?!
Heh. The original unrealistic male expectations.
I think in this particular context, the guy's heterosexuality was being called into question was meant to be derisive. If a value judgement wasn't being made, why was the word "best" used in the following sentence?
If she weren't famous, and I saw her on the street, I'd ignore her. She's not my type. That's not a judgement on her, it's just down to my personal tastes.
I don't support any dumb blogging bellend dictating what haircut Jennifer Lawrence should be allowed to have, but I reserve the right, as a heterosexual male, not to be attracted to her. Not sure where West is going with this really, I was under the impression this site was very much "each to their own".
I'm afraid this all went right over my head :(
Anyone spot one of the Needle Ships from Iain Banks' The Algebraist?
I'm having a hard time reconciling what I thought was a sex-positive, feminist, anti-tabloid website with this article.
Anyone else reminded of the Imperial Stormtrooper helmet here?
Jeez. Watching a film in America must be absolute hell.
Because to say that "paid maternity leave makes the workplace more acommodating to women" is to take it for granted that a woman's role is baby-making and allowances must be made for this. Is anyone going to tell me when this is what feminism became?
I don't understand you people at all.
I warn you that your baby, cute though it will undoubtedly be, will not be at all like a panda.
I love to see the smugness that accompanies these articles.
Yes but that $19,000 doesn't have to go towards living expenses, that's what we're saying. Imagine you were fed, housed, and you didn't have to commute, and every year you had $19,000 just knocking about every year. If that's the poverty line in the US, I'm moving over there.