
Not the Villamos! Budapest won't look the same without the funny yellow/white trams.

Well... you do have to refuel eventually (and do lots of other refitting to the reactor as well as the conventional, balance-of-plant stuff ) eventually, and it's difficult and expensive. If memory serves, the controversial early retirement of the US nuclear-powered cruisers (of which there never were that many to

You are?

RE: Orlove's house


the best time of day. And so it begins...

Confirmed: Torch is the best writer on Gawker. Just, just don't stop the shenanigans.

In Orlove's penthouse, which, since it's Orlove's, is really Orlove's basement.

To give an indication of how dangerous roo's are on the road

They already partnered with Google on Maps. Some Android Auto and CarPlay integration has to be in the cards, too.


Maybe due to lack of space so they build up instead of out?

It's not America - some times things have to go up instead of out in cities. I'm sure these malls have a much smaller footprint than their American counterparts.

Now playing

Honestly, that looks like a pretty awful downhill course. Ride down the escalator, then slam on the brakes so you can make the super-tight slippery turn. Rinse and repeat.

Aerodynamically it equates to cleaner air and better control authority. Even on the commercial planes the low-wing design adds vertical separation between the plane of the wing and the plane of the tail. Military cargo planes need a high wing to deal with FOD on Un/Semi-prepared surfaces. Thus, the tail needs to be

Yes, of course. Definitely the government and environmentalists fault. Couldn't possibly be that the corporation decided that that level of engineering wasn't cost-effective. No way.

because #midengine

That grille is just BEGGING for rally lights.

uhhhhhh........just open the doors first then run a rope/strap around....

I don't hate the bike, I actually like them.

What I hate is this "lifestyle" thing they're trying to sell with it. Much like Mini does. All of these press events are packed to the brim with facial hair, skinny jeans, and plaid shirts. It's all about the image, it just happens to be a good bike too.