
after nearly 70 years of field trials in the UK, I think we can conclude that real farmers have precious few copulations to donate about dents, but do appreciate aluminium's resistance to rust.

This is one of the dumbest posts I've ever read on the internet.

or you know, one of the I5/6's from their European vans.

I will go out on a limb and say you can, and will, be able to have an equal amount of fun in a FWD and a RWD vehicle.

Thank you, Kurdistan. You are a light and inspiration to all other nations.

Would rather buy a Cayman/Boxster than a 911.

You can, and will, have fun in a FWD car.

As a track rider and a commuter, I've been following the development of this system for a while. I'm certain I'd have a few less rickety bones in my system if I was wearing it. As for being an enabler of bad behavior, I don't agree with that sentiment at all. I wear all my gear all the time. It gives me confidence

From our Slack chat:

It's like an F40 had an affair with a 205 T16:

It's the little things. Nice.

That is one inelegant jet...

Now playing

This is what a Triumph Rocket 3 can do, you know,

Triumph Rocket.

But back to the process. I often call the Drivers License Center the "Japanese DMV" for short, so non-Japanese will know what I'm talking about. However, it's actually not a department of motor vehicles. There's actually a car registration center which is an entirely different building in an entirely different city.

These cars don't "brake"? That'll be a fast and furious way to end the driver's life.

Drag... Car?

1.) BMW S70/2