
She’s a Black woman in a white male dominated field. She’s ready for this.

1. That’s not how gaslighting works

Wear a mask you fucking clown. I’m surprised a science denier even knows what an app is. Go actually read some scientific literature you imbecile.

Always a thrill to see an article about the Ridley Scott Superbowl commercial.

For such a simple dish, I’ve seen it absolutely butchered in high end US restaurants by trying too hard. 

“Ann was getting a little chummy. When people get too chummy with me, I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don’t really care.”

If you were someone who cared wouldn’t you want to know it was faked? I don’t get the anger here.

This is a bad take

And because you’re the one person who insists on being “that guy”, your kids will grow up to be inconsiderate individuals who don’t respect other peoples’ time, or other people in general. They’ll be the karens in drive throughs and checkout lines who insist on holding up 30 people behind them because *only* their

Well I’m doing my part. I’m not a teen, but I know what teens buy and I’m buying all that stuff to make up the difference. I’m talking: Pogs, candy-flavored liquor, Poodle skirts, Magic cards, premarital sex, lip gloss, Beatles LPs, jean jackets, heroin, illegal abortions, Sony walkmen, untraceable firearms, posters

Maybe this will finally teach Americans to save?

This is not news. There has been a vomit inducing caterpillar living in Washington for the past four years. 

Jaywalking: the Gateway Crime? Maybe he thought ‘if this guy has such disrespect for crosswalks, then maybe he’s in a rush to go do something really bad with that bag!”

...this ain’t it fam. Fun to control heroes don’t mean shit if the shit around them sucks ass. That’s like putting Kratos in Bubsy 3D. Sure, it'd be fun at first throwing the axe and whipping the chains around, but the game around him would absolutely suck. Characters don't mean shit for content if there is no other

The fact that jaywalking is a crime is fucking stupid; people are already assuming liability for an accident as soon as they cross anywhere outside of the crosswalk... so what’s the benefit? Unless we are saying that a $150 fine is somehow a greater deterrent than death by a vehicle.

Simple request. Search for and release all the body camera footage that shows this cop frisking down a white man who was jaywalking...

I like the Honda suggestions on this. Not terribly shocking.

While being tased, Price walked toward Lucas and tried to reach for the weapon, at which point the officer took out his service weapon and fired four times, according to the affidavit.