
Myself and a few friends had this exact discussion last weekend while checking out the new Golden Road taproom/restaurant that just opened up. On the one hand, yeah, we’re supporting A-B by going there. But on the other hand, it’s still good beer, and it’s still made by a lot of the people who were there before the

Thanks, cheers!

Northern California, specifically in the Sacramento valley. The market is pretty heavily saturated in the city proper, but there’s still room for growth elsewhere in the region.

Yeah, they just opened up a Golden Road near me, but they’re doing so with the intent of selling food and beer.

As someone hoping to open a brewery in the next 5 or so years, money has never been at the heart of my pursuit. I love making beer and sharing it with people. I’ve been around the industry for awhile now, and none of these men and women are getting rich. Ultimately, if you’re after that, you’re just better off

Elysian makes some pretty tasty beers. A lot of craft beer types look down on them, as they are owned wholly by Anheuser-Busch InBev.

Great, now we need a whole new food pyramid, since mine is clearly out of date...

Aww, it’s cute that you think you know what you’re talking about.

the film that reunites the hottest onscreen Goth betrotheds of 1992, Bram Stoker’s Dracula’s Winona Ryder and Keanu Reeves, as two moody misanthropes who get stuck sitting together at a mutual friend’s weekend wedding in what appears to be Napa Valley.

Bombs can be set to detonate after a suitable change in air pressure, such as you would find at airline flight levels. This prevents the need to have someone nearby to detonate the bomb (although many airlines now have policies against unaccompanied luggage), or a timer, which can be foiled by unexpected flight delays.

An even better example would be El Al (the state airline of Israel). They are very upfront about their security measures. Armed guards (both uniformed and plain-clothed) everywhere, they interview every passenger individually, and the actively profile their passengers as well. All bags going onto their flights are

Unspeakable nightmare? Wow, you must have had an incredibly privileged life up to this point. Even without pre-check, the process of screening takes, at worst, 20 minutes of waiting in line and 3 minutes to walk through a machine and have your bag x-rayed. We aren’t talking about waterboarding here.

  • Who did the cooking in your family when you were growing up? What seasonings did they use in almost everything? My dad did most of the cooking, and he went very light on seasoning. Salt & pepper, and a little bit of garlic powder.

You’re trying incredibly hard for someone who’s sole piece of evidence is a website that literally anyone with an internet connection can edit on a whim.

I love it. I’m all for more lamb. If it wasn’t so unsanitary (and soggy), I would probably always keep a lamb gryo in my pocket for emergencies.

First thing they could do to help: Stop exclusively employing self-righteous, misogynistic, racist shitbags at their dealerships.

Do you believe that Miracle Whip is actually created by some sort of holy wizard? If you clean your floors with Mop & Glow, do you write an angry letter to the manufacturer because your floors don’t literally emit light? Do you buy a new house whenever you visit Home Depot?

I bought my Nissan Cube to help facilitate my move from Florida to California. I got tired of it by South Carolina thanks to the very short gearing and lack of cruise control, briefly enjoyed it again while running it on the Bonneville Salt Flats filled with my worldly possessions, then tired of it again by the time I

It’s hard for me to nail down exactly what makes the series so amazing. But to try, it’s got the combination of great art, smart writing, sharp wit, characters that pretty much anyone can relate to, and story arcs that manage to build a fantastical world that still seems to suitably reflect our own.

Tacky, plastic, fake air vents. They never look good. Never ever.