
...we now have proof that relying on them at their absolute best just gets you a 4-1 loss in the second round of the NBA playoffs—the worst possible outcome in sports.


I’d vote for an Audi RS7. It remains one of the best looking new cars out there today, at least by my eye. Plus, you can option one out thoroughly and still have enough to buy yourself an S3 sedan on the side.

I mean, you are welcome to cruise out to northern California whenever you want and by my drunken chauffeur. There’s plenty of fast food to be had!

Spot on. My line of thinking was always that surfing has always been about more than just the act of standing on your board and riding a wave. Getting away from the world, being just you and your board out in the ocean, and the catharsis that brings.

I only like JitB when I’m really drunk and my Lyft driver agrees to take me there on my way home*. Reason being, sometimes you really just want to be able to have a cheeseburger, egg rolls, and a taco at the same meal. And then wonder why you have a horrible stomach ache in the morning.

I was staunchly anti-wave pool for a long time. And then I surfed one, and it instantly changed my mind.

If that’s your opinion, fair enough. I think “constantly” is a stretch, but I can’t argue that it happens far more often than it has any right to (really, one such case would be too much, and it’s far, FAR beyond that).

There have been some relatively good ones in the current century. Maybe not ground-breaking, but entertaining none the less: Club Dread, Tropic Thunder, Walk Hard, Team America, This is the End, Kung Fu Hustle, Shaolin Soccer, Hot Fuzz, MacGruber, Black Dynamite.

Couple things, if you call 911 and ask for fire and rescue, what do you tell them the emergency is? If you refuse to tell them, or say that someone is banging on your door, you’ll get an officer. If you lie and say you think you’re having a heart attack, the medics will call for an officer to talk to you about filing

I’ve read more franchise disclosure documents than any journalist on earth.

As much as I poke fun at vegans, there’s honestly a great deal of delicious food that can be made without any meat/dairy products. However, I find that the best vegan food is generally not food that pretends to be meat.

Interesting article, but I would also be slightly cautious trusting a blog where their most recent post is titled “2 Reasons Why You Should Always Try To Sleep With A Girl On The First Date” and contains other gems such as “Why You Shouldn’t Have Gay Friends”, “Why Women Will Never Be As Successful As Men”, and “Why

It’s worth stating that the phone charging capabilities are fairly meager with these. With a full charge, you can get about 1/3 of your battery back. Otherwise, the solar panel will not be enough to charge your phone, and you’d be at the hand crank for hours to keep it from going dead.

It’s worth stating that the phone charging capabilities are fairly meager with these. With a full charge, you can

Someone over at Marvel (Feige, or one of the Russos) said earlier this week that they wanted to branch out and tell their own stories. I think it’s a great idea, taking characters we already have some familiarity with, and putting them into situations where we don’t know what will happen.

I sort of lumped them together because the Panoz AIV Roadster was very limited in numbers as well, less than 250 total as I recall. In fact, I think I’ve only seen one in person maybe once or twice. I have seen maybe a half dozen Esparantes over the years though.

If we’re talking other niche manufacturers (like Panoz), there are a couple out there with similar weights and similar (or significantly more) power. But they are few and far between.

First and foremost, the biggest lie I ever tell is to myself when I have the crazy idea that any sort of major work I’m about to undertake is going to go exactly as planned.