
I’m sure this makes fine business sense for them...

You and me both. It’s sad to see. My dreams of finding an SR311 for a CA18DET swap are getting dimmer by the day

Oh yeah, I never had any illusions about the recent video challenges that were posed as fundraisers while just being incredibly-thinly veiled attempts at a modicum of internet fame for the overwhelming majority of people partaking in them.

Hmm, makes sense. But now I feel so disillusioned!

Careful bud, there are vegans around these parts with very sensitive feelings. You don’t want to get on their bad side.

Yep, I’m raging over here. Just pulling my hair out and screaming at random squirrels that scamper past my office window rather than making jokes on a blog comment section.

That’s a totally valid point and concern.

There’s no way it’s a coincidence that beautifully nonsensical artwork like this and other similar examples (I miss Trapper Keepers) faded away in the early 1990's, at the same time that Quaaludes fell out of favor.

I think you just answered your own question.

Hahaha, calm down and learn to take a joke. No need to get so riled up about something a stranger said on the internet. I never dictated what anyone can or can’t do, so no need to pretend like i did.

Disagree. Even worse are people who are gluten-free, but not out of necessity (such as Celiac sufferers), but because it’s hip to do.

Don’t tell anyone, but it’s actually just a Power Wheels Barbie Jeep. Shhhhh....

That’s why I have dogs. Mine is too busy licking her own butt and chasing squirrels that she’ll never possibly catch to eat my face.

Perfect! I’ll whip up some heavy cream and Kahlua to top a strawberry and cognac shortcake as a sort of I-value-you-as-a-person treat.

Yeah bud, fancy as hell over here.

I don’t personally see a huge issue with it. They are re-purposing the material in a way to make a product that will ultimately be of benefit to a 9/11 memorial.

Stone fruits are essentially any fruit with a layer of skin covering a fleshy inside with a single pit/seed, Examples include peaches, apricots, and mangoes. To make it more complicated, there are also aggregate stone fruits, which are essentially a bunch of them that have grown together into a single unit (such as

If you think that’s cool, you should see my Tuesday afternoon helicopter or my lunar eclipse hovercraft.

Haha, that is specifically what I was going for.

I feel like the world would be a lot better if we would just give each other desserts for a wider variety of reasons.