
Sometimes, it’s about more than money. If he loves the sport and wants to continue talking about it after his playing days are over, why shouldn’t he?

What makes a car beautiful? Clearly, the answer is me.

Honestly? It doesn’t really bother me. Even as the former owner of a ‘65 Mustang, I think they did a pretty nice job of hitting the right details. I wouldn’t pony up $10,000 for it, but I can still appreciate the work they did to scale down the body of the car.

I’m going to maintain my tin foil hat theory that this was not the fault of a single person hitting the wrong button or mishearing something, and that either the state or federal government had a (false) reason to believe that an actual missile was launched.

Free movies and popcorn for a year? Sure, I could definitely handle Bill Murray for that long.

I will usually only say something if it’s a dish I’ve had at this exact restaurant before. If it’s something I know I’ll enjoy, and it comes out way off-the-mark, I’ll say so. Not in a rude way, and not even expecting a new dish (Unless there’s something that I feel is legitimately unsafe about).

I’d list the number of things that are either flat-out wrong or off-putting about this, but I frankly just don’t think I have enough time and space to type them all out.

The timing of this has me wondering: Is it possible that Tom Brady and WEEI have some sort of informal agreement that once Brady retires from the NFL, he will be contracted to some extent as an on-air personality?

A few things spring to mind...the first time I bought a car with a loan and no co-signer, the day I paid off my last student loan, the time I bought my first motorcycle...

I’m sure I’ve had this before, but it doesn’t ring any bells. However, it sounds like it’s the unholy offspring of Canadian bacon and Spam.

It’s not that surprising.

Did Barry get hired by ESPN and nobody told him?

Well, I did. But only some of the more spectacularly bad examples, like the X-League Indoor Football Association.

In my younger days, we would make do with a U-haul box truck full of assorted tools, sleeping bags, and smelly, worn our camping chairs. Now? My back hurts just thinking about it.

For towing, it certainly makes sense. If you’re driving a dually 3500, you just flat out need to expect commensurate fuel consumption. Trucks with big engines, as expected get poor mileage.

Regarding Winchester, if anyone finds themselves in the Bay Area, the real-life Winchester Mansion is in San Jose. It’s pretty amazing to see in person. It’s 4-stories high, has something like 40 bedrooms, 10 kitchens, and 50 fireplaces. It was built over the course of nearly 50 years, and in almost no discernibly

For some reason, my mom had the idea that kids were playing Magic: The Gathering as a form of Satan worship. As such, I was forbidden from playing it until I reached the arbitrary age of 15. Of course, when I was 15, I got my learner’s permit. Somehow, a card game quickly seemed far less important than learning to

The key is to behead the mice, and put the severed heads on toothpicks. Display said toothpicks in front of your home to act as a deterrent to other vermin.

My standard for take-out is 15% in most cases. Generally speaking, I’m usually only buying such food for 1 or 2 people, so it comes out to $2-4 as a tip. If I can’t afford to tip that much, I probably should just be making myself a sandwich before heading to work every day.