
The idea of playing PS4 games on a Vita always seemed cool, albeit expensive and eyebrow-raisingly imitative of Nintendo. Want to play console-scale games on your TV? The Mario-maker's Nintendo Wii U still provides the cheaper and better-engineered method for that. Sony's approach, however, turns out to not be as bad

I'm sorry you're having these issues. Mine streams rather flawlessly over my home network. So well, in fact, that I've only used the direct connection to test the system out. I know you say you've done some tinkering, but please continue to do more until you work out whatever the conflict is. It's really a great thing

Pig! Men are not sex objects!

We'll likely see revisions and bundles before that happens. Like someone else mentioned—it's too simple of an upgrade to devote another sku to when this one is selling so well.

I would be excited by these announcements, but with my luck, they'll never make it stateside. So my XBO will continue collecting dust. :(

Do you not remember how many reviews complained about the crass humor and sexism? Pretty sure that's a franchise staple.

What does a man driven by singular purpose do when that purpose is stripped away? He spends 14 years in a Polish insane asylum, trapped inside his own body. Along the way, he falls in love with his nurse. Her name is Sally Purpose. *checks notes* Her name is Anya Oliwa, and she's the reason the grizzled super soldier

I noticed that too! I couldn't down a plane, though. :(

What game is this?

I have no good stories. Only bad memories with my Xbox One so far.
-I got it on "Day One" and took it home to hear the disc drive sound pretty rough and see the controller had a ding in it (nothing big, thankfully, but annoying as I like my things to be damned-near perfect).
-Went through MS' advanced exchange program

Mmmm. Delicious!

Yet, the applied comprehension is still at a 3rd grade level, as you continue adding things that aren't there...

I suppose it's all relative to what you're looking for. At launch, games sell out consistently. Many Gamestops were out of the Infamous standard edition, Bound by Flame, and more obscure releases like Putty Squad and Pinball Arcade for ranges between weeks and months. It definitely applies to the area, although that's

The United States military has a plan to help defend you from the zombie apocalypse. It's a real plan, made by real military personnel, using real taxpayer's money.

I'm fine with cliches, but, "wow." Hopefully this is meant to be BloodDragon and not Deus Ex.

Unfortunately, those policies are forced. Some of us work against it (I explain rewards card to those who would benefit from them, etc.) in order to build rapport with our customers (and to not upset them, as you've displayed), but the management is likely why MrMister has turned into such a Mr. Grump. If his store

Just off the top of my head, Bound by Flame sold out at my Gamestop this week when I asked for it. I barely got into the Tales of Xillia 2 CE before it was gone (even on Amazon). Payday 2 was sold out for months (but eventually got more prints). Collector's editions sell out all the time. Regular copies sell out on

So it's just transmitted via proximity? .7 is pretty thin, but you can probably still feel it through the skin, correct?

Social responsibility is a bad business model? Where did you get your degree from, the Enron school of management and economics?