
He's not wearing the hat, he is the hat!

He's just telling the monster to rethink his life choices and become a upstanding citizen.

I mainly use VMware Player since it seems to work a bit better and it's a lot easier to move VM's I've made over to my vSphere server. Virtualbox is usually what I run when I'm on something like a school computer and I have to minimize the changes I make on them. Otherwise, I'm all VMware.

It sounds great but the potential security issues do worry me.

For the most part I don't miss TV expect for a few sports, mainly Indycar. They have it locked behind the NBCSports Paygate so I'd miss half the season even if I had cable/satellite without ponying up another $20 for a channel I'll watch maybe 40 hours of a year.

The one thing I always found funny about the whole standing desk fad was that standing for long periods of time is just as unhealthy as sitting for long periods of time.

My current job, yeah! Contract work sucks but it's the only thing I've got. Going on almost 4 years without a full-time, stable job is beyond annoying. Even still, I wouldn't want to work at a job I hate or have a job I may love taken by someone who hates it.

Personally I favor the F-15E after living outside SJAFB for 16 years. Oh how I miss the sound of those unrestricted takeoffs overhead!

Yes, since my phone is also my alarm clock. Quiet hours are set from 12a-8a though so I don't get woken up by every notification.

You can try Caynax Alarm Clock. As it suggests it can act as a alarm clock but there is als a timer function that goes up to 24 hours or you can set a alarm for a specific day.

A desktop is for important programs and links (no more than 2 columns) and an nice selection of wallpapers. Anything else is sacrilege.

Another nice app for Android is CallTrack. I have a calender dedicated to it so I can keep track of all my calls.

Find me one for IndyCar and I'll be happy. Though I'll miss half of them because of NBC Sports. :(

Use the dev version. It takes a little tweaking (currently the top bar disappears on some video resize options and auto-resolution doesn't work on HTML5) but it works.

That's also a big problem with heavy reliance on grades. When you're learning something new it takes time to learn. With limited class time spent on learning (maybe 6-8 class hours for a intensive class) it should be expecting that you're going to fail a couple of times.


Your time machine must be broken. :)

MediaMonkey is my music manager of choice. It's easy to start a search on Wikipedia, Amazon or a number of other sources from in the app. That along with Amazon tagging and recently lyrics helps a lot. Considering the amount of Asian music I have, getting the tags from is great.. Automatic searches for files

I've always thought that grades should only be a secondary guideline at best. Not everyone is good at tests or memorizing what amounts to trivia. I'd rather have the guy that can actually help me load vsphere and configure HA, not the guy who "knows" how to do it.

Yeah. I tried finding a alternative but ultimately $25 is worth the trouble of not having to update my gapps acct, switch all the emails for my reporting, router logging and everything else. I may try to switch my domain from Dreamhost if I don't renew with them too.