
There's a nice clone called Tasks: Astrid To-Do List Clone that's very good. The dev is keeping is up to date and promises web functionality in the future. It still syncs to gtasks as well (1 acct) and it recognized by many apps like Pure Calendar that can plug into it.

Really wish more people used Google+. I'm not a fan of social media but when the other choices are 140 character sentences or Mr. "can't secure anything" Facebook then Google+ is great.

I always eat spicy foods when I'm sick. They always seem to clear things up and because of the strong flavor they're one of the few foods I can actually taste when I'm sick. I'll usually try orange juice with the pulp as well. Between that and my very good immune system I rarely get sick and if I do, I don't stay sick

I think the whole problem is that while sending targeted resumes may be preferable, after the 30th one with not even so much as a "Sorry, we found someone else", it's gets to be pointless (from a job seeker's standpoint) to spend the time. Add to that the numb er of listings asking 5-7+ years of experience for a entry

I love my MM. I usually use GMusic on my G3 but I definitely like the sync for when I get around to buying a 64GB microSD.

I'm all for ROMs, especially when they let you bypass stupid carrier locks. I love being able to tether on my Verizon S3 without getting prompts to pay $50. Xposed is fine for the average person and those who want some of the benefits of ROMs without the complexity of installing it (which has gotten incredibly easy

It shouldn't but like I said. Dropbox doesn't some stupid things when symlinks are involved, even in situation where they should be transparent to it. Then there are some games that don't play with them well also.

One big issue with this: Dropbox doesn't respect symbolic links. It will sync new files but it won't sync changes to those files. So new saves will get synced but any updates after creation will fail to get synced.

Cloud storage is good but it means you need a good upload and a ISP that isn't going to complain if you're backing up hundred's of GB if data. Multiple ext drives or blu-rays are also a good idea.

Yeah. I could of passed basic easily and had no intention of being a pilot. I would have a stable career and plenty of real experience instead of trying to make ends meet on contract work (unsuccessfully).

For important services like my main google account and dropbox yes. For other stuff, no.

I hate BMI with a passion. I'm ~6'1 with a large frame and even now, being pretty inactive, a lot of heavy muscle. I'm probably about 250-275 (haven't measured in a long time) but the BMI puts me in the obese category.

Nova allows you to set your desktop up to 16 rows and columns.

The van was warning you, run away from north carolina!

InterfaceLift is nice for some mobile wallpapers. I have a bunch stored on my dropbox to use. I'm using this one right now.

Always do this. I think it's a habit of my upbringing. I can't tell you how many thousands I've saved looking for deals and getting stuff off ebay. Or how many better deals I got from just asking "Do I really need it now or can I wait".

Sadly I've seen someone trying to put there makeup on as well. She nearly rear-ended another car but luckily slammed on the brakes fast enough.

And yet I can't go anywhere without seeing some women in a SUV talking and texting while driving.

Waiting for good rewards: no problem. (~3 weeks for a $5 amazon gift card from bing rewards)

Got a BackUPS 1500 on my workstation/desktop and a BackUPS 600 on my server. They were well worth the money.