

You just use your middle finger for W and S.

inb4 "there is no difference between 720 and 1080"

Just like how people argue there is no difference between 30fps and 60fps when there is a rather large noticeable difference.

Bah! More like 720P-U

Being a PC gamer in school is hell. For years I've been frustrated at people who are so ignorant not to care what companies do to them, making cheap games and bad policies. These people blindly buy a console despite, let's say, the Xbox One's bad policies (most of which are now gone). Now all of a sudden everyone is

And they've done it without charging extra for multiplayer!


If only everyone else thought like you.


You would think People from Milan would have a little more class. This is the kind of thing you'd expect to go down at a Wal Mart in Kansas.
I guess people are idiots all over.

What the guy in charge of handing out the things probably did:

Meh, they're just typical Call Of Duty players.

Wait, they want money to help pay for the legal judgment that was handed down against them? Let me think about that for a sec...

Now playing

Pretty much an obligatory response for something like this.

I can't imagine lazy cheaters having the sympathy in them to contribute to a scammy company's legal defense.

Not a fan of this. All it does is make war seem far more trivial and give the moneymakers more excuses to start new ones for profit.

Why does new tech always have to be weaponized so quickly? Why can't we just make sweet-ass hot dog carts first?

How about a glass floor to oogle your bomb ass car collection whilst in your own 787?

...Mostly I'd just want this feature for the sheer enjoyment that comes from seeing the terror on the faces of those that fear flying in the first place.

I'm not sure what the official role/responsibility of the guy in the yellow truck who checks on him is, but he never should have let the guy drive away. Look at the arm movement, that's someone so out of it for whatever reason that they're losing muscle control.