
One thing I didn't like about it was the amount of bad guys there were. It got to a point where it was a little silly. I think they should have had some sort of shot to show how many bad guys there actually were before they just started randomly spawning to kill her with no knowledge of where they came from.

You obviously have no idea what it takes to get a game like this made. I only have experience from a modelling standpoint not programming and I can tell you modelling the environment and ships isn't just "mashing squares and tubes together"

This would annoy the shit out of me, hate baggy sleeves on anything!

Yeah, good point.

Think he means, regardless of the resolution Youtube compresses the shit out of videos.

Read the first few words "Beautiful beaches" lol'd, not round here they aren't. For any fellow brits on here I think you'll agree Margate (which is near me) is faaaaar from beautiful haha. It used to be but not anymore...

Came here for this, wasn't let down!

Please don't fuck this up.

Jesus christ, when the man and woman are exiting the cinema, the way her face glides past the window is terrifying!

I've said it before and I'll say it again COD 4 was the last good one.

More like, how to quickly destroy you headphones.

What he said.

Just saw this on Reddit, fucking brilliant! As a Brit myself I agree totally with what she is saying. Bastards!

Alright alright, no need to bring science into this.

You are correct sir, maths has never been my strong point. Thanks for being such a dick about it :D

Just like to throw in the many versions of Linux that are out there for free and have been for a while. A lot longer than Android has been.

A gram isn't an eighth.

Fuck knows why they didn't go Nvidia, what with the advances they're making lately. Plus a lot of graphics programs benefit from CUDA greatly. I know AMD have something similar but lately I can't help but think AMD have started to seriously lag behind Nvidia.

So nothing special then with a silly price tag on it. Good old Apple.

I'd be jealous of his skills if it wasn't done on MS Word...