
It'll still look better on PC.

I think that it is definitely going to give PC gaming the boost it needs to become prominent again. If manufacturers start developing a low cost gaming PC bundled with SteamOS I reckon it will be a strong competitor against Sony and MS. Because lets face it for the price of a PS4 or an Xbone you can build a decent

You can get domestic foxes! I want one!!!!!!

Can't get a trackpad that is anywhere near as good as a decent mouse. I' am coming from a PC gaming perspective though. Fuck knows how you would play a game using a trackpad.
(I know you could but still fuck that!)

They didn't mean 3D they said they wanted it so the image the screens produced could be seen from a 360 degree angle and they done it very well.

The last two lines "you stuff your bra, I trust you" what the fuck does that even mean, one of the worst lines I've ever heard, apart from that though, not too bad.

Pffft this is nothing I was doing this all the time back in school. Except it was mostly swear words and dick drawings on my mates books...

Yeah but still, that explosion aint fake haha

It's part of our society but it's still fucked up and wrong that it is happening.

Man the comments on this so far are a bit negative I thought it was pretty cool, especially because it was shot by multiple people around the world that is quite an achievement on the directors behalf to be able to co-ordinate all of that.

yeah good one

yeah but this video is most definitely real life

So how come I know where that was filmed and even recognise and been to some of the locations?

Holy shit just realised that was filmed in Cambridge, pretty cool video.

Crap site, just filled with shit One Direction and Bieber GIFs

Such a good looking car, would love to have one of them. Not with the Grid 2 design all over it though, either plain white or matte black, it would look so stealthy in matte black.

Hoooly Shiit haha, read your comment before watching the video. Still didn't prepare me for those monstrous brows.

I'm with you dude, don't play handheld games, don't even play many games on my phone most of them are 5 minute wonders for me which are quickly uninstalled. I also don't care about Nintendo, don't like the games they make or the hardware. I think the DS's are crap and so was the Wii and now the Wii U.

Yes! This bugged the hell outta me, could blatantly see his eyes flicking over to the right every few seconds.

I seem to recall MS having quite a bad time after the Xbone reveal