
Also just saw you customise your aircraft, awesome!!!

Gonna get my vote on Steam, If I can fly some form of aircraft in a game I'm down and this looks awesome.

Did anyone else get creeped out by the women starting at 1:07ish just the long stare into the camera with all those furr-less weird things over her. That was creepy as fuuuuck.

Could have laid it out a bit better, rather than just having to scroll for ages.

I think design wise they're both a step back from last gen, the 360 and Ps3 controllers looked better imo.

ad block plus, that will end your problem

They look like a gimp outfit for your thumbs

The zombies bugged me in this, they were more funny to watch that anything. The pop-locking motion they had when standing still made it look like they were doing some crappy interpretive dance and the whole jaw clacking was silly. I dunno as zombie films go this was shit.

Pixar do the architecture thing a lot. We had a cars 2 poster were I used to work like a massive panoramic one and all the buildings in that were car themed.

Na it's Will Arnett who's Batman, still a very good choice imo

Yeah, come to think of it if BF4 was released on the Wii U which highly unlikely, they could use it for commander mode.

It's CG made to look like stop motion

oh and the lighting the lighting is brilliant too

That is some amazing 3D work going on in this film, I thought it was stop-motion at first. Just the level of detail and how they've made it look like actual plastic with the textured surface on somethings is outstanding.

I still cant see this controller being of any use in fast paced games like a lot of FPS's cause especially on the multiplayer side of things the second you take your eyes away from the primary screen is a chance for you not to see someone and get shot. Say for instance they put the map on the controllers screen, I

Yeah good point. GTA IV controls were pretty clunky. It's hard to make judgements yet, I mean we don't even know what system the trailers for the game were running on. So for all we know it could look better on PC, Xbone and PS4 just gotta hope haha. Also there haven't been any true gameplay trailers yet so guess

The characters model look a lot better than they did in IV also bigger map size is a pretty substantial improvement.

Not a Sony fan or Xbone. I did read the article and I have no idea where you got that information from. Calculation can still suffer from latency. Polygons still come in to it. It's called real time rendering for a reason cause it has to be done on the fly. Having the console send of data to be processed and then sent

"The more we can offload the better, because then we can do more locally on your box." In other words, if they calculate the grunt AI remotely, the Xbox One can spend more processing on graphics."

I didn't see them mention "individual blades of grass". Considering that's not even how games render grass at the moment. They did mention they could off load the AI which is interesting because it may allow for more intelligent AI because you could have a whole system dedicated to calculating the AI. When I say high