
Fair enough, just assumed that with a case that huge and with such a well made case mod, that it would have some high spec internals.

the best $1500 gaming pc? easy, one you build yourself.

Actually I take that back after looking at the images on MNPCTECH. WTF!! why doesn't a case (mod) like this have the beefiest hardware inside it :S

hmm I have a feeling that the "friend" isn't going to be just browsing facebook when the Cosmo S costs about £150+ on its own.

Whats the funniest thing you have done to make someone rage?

I know it's a real minecraft world I've been on it what I'm saying is there are programs where you can section of parts of your minecraft world then choose to export them parts as a .OBJ which can be opened in a 3d design software because in those glamour I have never seen minecraft looking that good with that amount

I have a feeling they've used a program to rip parts of the minecraft world and export them into a 3d file format like .obj then imported them into a 3d software (like 3ds max) and then changed lighting, textures etc then rendered them.

I cant wait for this. I'm in the process of trying to create a short animated film using Blender but it's taking for quite a while because I'm a bit of a noob at Blender but when I saw this I was blown away. By the looks of things it looks fairly easy to use plus you can create films using the game world. Looking

This sounds awesome, will it be tied down to using the models from Valve games or will you be able to import your own?

They state in the article that they're Russain developers.

Yes but what if the next xbox and PS are more powerful than the Wii U, yeah the developers will be more skilled with developing for the Wii U but it wont take long before developers start pushing the boundaries of the next Xbox and PS and when that happens I think the Wii U will start lagging behind.

I did mention the potential of the fan base

I'm not entirely sold on the Wii U. My biggest concern about it, is that it will be left behind when Sony and Microsoft release there new consoles. The Wii U is obviously going to be powerful but what will it do when Sony and MS release consoles that are even more powerful and allow developers to push games even

Pretty rubbish name for a game in my opinion. Could have thought up something a bit more imaginative than taking the "e" of the end and adding a "u" just because it's on the Wii U (which is also a shit name for a console)