I have a crappy PC and Windows 7 fells faster than XP, even with Aero on. That's probably because I don't have to wait 5 seconds for the start menu, though.
I have a crappy PC and Windows 7 fells faster than XP, even with Aero on. That's probably because I don't have to wait 5 seconds for the start menu, though.
I wonder why 12345 is not on the list while 1234 is.
I ponder the necessity of shirtlessness.
To make great games you need to focus all your attention on it, that's exactly what Valve's been doing these past years on TF2 and L4D/L4D2. They'll start working on Ep3 after TF2's Engie update, you just watch. It is going to happen.
I just want to point out that, acording to Steve Gibson's nameserver spoofability test [[www.grc.com]], Google's DNS servers are really not that good, at all. They score only a Moderate rank.
Oh God, I can see this is going to be a bloody spam fest...