
I think the color of the case is a stronger argument than exclusives, if only because exclusives often aren't, in the long run.

The Bionic is getting some pretty smashup reviews, but some of it is from the "it's more like the iPhone than ever!" side of things.

In all honesty, I was only echoing CJA's use of it, but honored all the same.

Ridiculous. Everyone knows that Chimpanzees aren't in to the Leather scene.

I don't mean any of the business that connected to the WTC, and it may have been on an extended version or whatever, and I saw it only once more than a few years ago. Nevertheless, I remember a scene on or underneath a bridge that basically amounted to some arguably faceless New Yorker shouting "This is New York City,

I don't really think that's as heterodox among the climate change denialists as you might think, possibly excepting the direct government intervention part.

This list is sorely missing in "Taunts you while it kills you" from Red Dwarf's Epideme.

Double Responded to add: This comment going up on Feminist Whore day makes my icing.

The line in question was something a programmer considered a private joke.

No, but it's useful for the purposes of analogy. The point isn't to categorize slurs.

Still waiting for Worlds of Ultima.

The problem with the casual bigotry and misogyny is that it's casual. It's commonplace, almost unconscious. The very act of calling someone out on it is often what's contentious. You can't not do what you don't recognize.

Think about how many other works Pride & Prejudice has either directly or indirectly inspired. There's a way that relates to P&P&Z, because I think that some of the inspiration, or at least the popularity, was that it was already retold in so many other fashions, but none that upped the action quality of it. The

Politics...politics never changes.

But that's notably different than what you wrote, because you're sorting good and bad art. That's also very problematic for bringing in the concept of 'authenticity.' It's a weighted concept, because true inautheticity is rare: what's more common is people dismissing someone else's experience.

Cooling system? It should have a toasting rack and non-stick sides.

There's no doubt it's informed them. I specifically recall one of the scenes in the 2001 Spiderman, which, if not intended to rouse 9/11, certainly did for me (the New Yorkers strike back). Also, one of the more interesting comments that I heard about Watchmen was that, in a post 9/11 world, it was hopelessly naive.

I'll see you and raise you Civilization. Genocide isn't just tolerated, it's a legitimate strategy.

Or rules that are built to accommodate the sort of play you want to have. A lot of people don't realize they're out there.

You know what you call a discussion about D&D without an edition war? Math class.