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Necessary IT Crowd reference - probably the funniest episode of the series. They commit to the joke and take it further than I thought possible.

In all honesty, it wouldn't bother me...if Lucas did anything else. I think that the constant minor tweaks are how he rationalizes his career.

Brilliant marketing campaign; actual game looks average. Not a Day One purchase, but may pick up based on reviews.

Most of the comments that I heard about Metro:2033 focused on the technical weaknesses, but praised it on everything else.

Agreed. People have been banned for much less, and this was a direct personal insult.

I see where you're coming from, but I think that the core message of each is pretty different.


Seconded - worth the price. It's the sort of game that's very easy to pick up and tool around in for a half an hour or so when you want something different.

Hmmm...let me try...

I'm seconding the disagreement. Friends and family are vital to finding jobs...but that's less true for finding a 'just any job.' There's more chance of drama.

Guilt; shame.


The "Prepare to [ingest mood-altering substance] and be indoctrinated by dogmatic [theorists]" is a Mad Lib for all of college. Just different ones for each major.

You're using the word "reboot" too broadly.

Intro to the Internet? What does that even mean?!?

Never ask out the waitstaff.

Even if accepting the somewhat jingoistic point that, since it's EA, it's actually a U.S. product, if we're at the point that American power, where the business that exemplifies just what the American can-do spirit represents, in something that's supposed to have middle America, right-center appeal, is a video

That's the way it is, potentially, with any Ponzi scheme. As long as people are coming in, there's still money for the payout. One of the other factors in it is, if you're making 5%, you have every reason to put that 5% right back into the system to make profits off of it.

I agree. I described it earlier today to a friend as "AAAAGH! There's a fire in my house! It might spread to the patio furniture! Quick, toss the furniture in my house so it doesn't catch fire!"

Yep, that's the one.