@yanipheonu: The equally superb intro that it inspired.
@yanipheonu: The equally superb intro that it inspired.
@Qwer7yfreak: One of my favorite bands.
@Wheeton: Just keep to the reputable manufacturers (i.e. names you've heard of before) and you should be fine.
@HYRUL3: If he sent you an e-mail, it's cool enough to send him one back with the note. Presumably, your father isn't out to screw you over and would be suitably aghast that he has. Just phrase it like you did here, in that sort of "I might be mistaken, but..." because, well, you might be mistaken or he might have…
@ProudGeek: They got to go to the Vault. These are the people who were considered extraneous.
@Dragonis: Cool, very (certain editions of) Gamma World. One thing to think is that somewhat unifies divine and arcane magic, which has some ramifications.
Dear Canada,
@pariah9000: God, how awesome would that be? We could literally end the war on terrorism with a bake sale.
@SG-17: I totally agree.
@Gdraven991: The completionist, without a doubt, because it's such a 'typical geek' thing. I really wonder why it's a geek thing, though.
@Cursed Frogurt: Kinect.
You choose to be a completionist.
"You may glance at your timepiece, only to realize that you have spent the past four hours building a giant sand pyramid for no discernible reason. Relax: this is normal."
@my claim to fame is: The magic is that it doesn't feel like a chore...maybe because there's nothing pushing you. You don't really need to do much to survive, and harvest isn't strictly speaking necessary either. It's hard to explain.
Dated a girl who thought like that. She was convinced that all this computer modeling was just a phase, and spent her entire grad school career working on rehabilitating a Eisenhower-era giant titling sandbox for modeling stream formation and erosion dynamics. Left grad school when she realized that, while she hadn't…
To me, that reads like a list of when to really think about reconsidering what you're doing in the story and how you're doing it.
@RulingWalnut: PGA v. Martin. [www.oyez.org]
So, it's not "It's Not Easy Being Deaf In World Of Warcraft," as much as "MMO Guild Leaders Are Often Dicks; Megalomaniacs."
Someone needs to do this up all Ken Burns style.
I'm shockingly excited about this idea.