
He is annoying the same way a small thorn in your foot is annoying - it does just enough that you can't ignore it while not doing enough for you to be worried about it.

Too soon, man, let Veigar rest in pieces. I mean, Nidalee of the "I jump farther away than Kassadin can Riftcrawl" kind of mauled him to death.

To be fair, vanilla WoW encounters pale in comparison to current ones. There wasn't much to teach, trouble was organizing the groups.

Thing is, nowadays for raids and some of the heroic dungeons, one single person mispositioned can mean a wipe. Fights like Kargath Bladefist, where he grabs the 5 closests people and throw them up in the stands can make an unaware DPS take the spot of a healer or a tank, then making the whole raid wipe because one

Wielding a shiny Magikarp, Twitter user Nakano Official defeated the Elite Four in Pokémon ORAS before taking down the champion to be crowned champ himself.

People didn't really connect this character to ghost girl a year ago, but now his appearance on the Japanese website begs the question: might he be speaking of the ghost girl? Is this the character responsible for siccing her on us? If so, that would be hilarious: Pokémon players apparently refused to tip this guy en

It's probably made TO discourage bottle crowing now that the rules are a bit weird about it. Specially to not favor Bounty Hunter to gank the courier since he'll deal jinada + 50% damage.

I would never actually buy it. People already hate this character as it is, I don't want to make it worse on myself.

"Redacted". Now I'm curious.

Now playing

Community can be quite fun sometimes, though.

Patch 6.78 -> 6.79. Entire meta fell appart in DotA.

Nintendo Network ID.

And that's how the greeviling started yet again.

Holy cow, that's some heavy stuff right there.

As much as I like SMITE, I find it hard to end other types of Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides, since it can be too punishing on people with 250+ ms. Also, they're different styles, and some prefer the top-down view where they can see more than just what's ahead and stuff like that.

Kunkka's style basically became the norm since it captures the chaos of a teamfight so well.

That's Brazil for you - there's no such a thing as a profit cap, they just take it to the edge of your willingness to pay and say "Take it or leave it."