Sky Captain Obvious

That must have stung.

A Stingray moment like Steve Irwin or...?

It’s ugly but it looks futuristic as hell. Whenever I see one of these I see tons of people staring at it, either in disgust or wonder.

Here it is in Vantage form.

Clown shoe!


Am I the first to suggest a Fiero drivetrain?

My chassis is ready.

Since I'm biased, and I know a V8 can be made to fit, and it comes in around 2200lbs.

For crying out loud just make a Miata coupe already.

No, just no.

Says the person who obviously doesn't know what a canard is.

Clearly, it was the Plyxus/Lemouth.

What about Mercedes circa now?

GT350 maybe. They can't afford to roll a Saleen out of the shop right now. lol

You may have a long wait for the Saleen, the way things are going...

Am I alone in thinking that this piece of trim belongs in a 90s GM truck?