Sky Captain Obvious

Get this the fuck out of my attic!

Cause there's something so weird and badass about a dropped forester.

I love this thing. Hope it makes the top ten.

It's the Rambo Golf Cart.

Damn, you beat me to that same pic.

When this first hit my peripheral vision while scrolling down, Johnny five popped in to my mind.

My first car was a 93 SE-R. This is the first subsequent Sentra in that lineage I approve of. Better ditch the live axle to be competitive though. (these things still use a stick axle, right?)

I think I've gotten the Itis from this glorious overload of Best Motoring the last few weeks.

1:03. Possibly the best on car shot I've ever seen.

Pretty sure it's correclty spelled Kia Sedateme

God. Fucking. Damn it. I own this generation Outback and I live in Boulder. In my defense, I bought it out of state where almost none existed, so I thought I was picking up a relatively unique wagon to haul my shite around in.

If it could talk, I feel like it would say "Ahyuck, well hello thar."

Rusty's FB page. Discovered this car through a Jalop article a year or two back I believe.

It's a mystery to me as well.

Rusty Slammington

Well played

Who wants a ride on the bumperstache?

I like it, not as elegant as the original jag, but kind of funky and weird. I like funky and weird.

Speaking of Hondas, wasn't the DN-01 auto as well? One of the dealers, who'd been sitting on one for a few years said DN-01 stood for Do Not - Order 1.

Someone should inform Caterham's marketing department about the Aprilia Mana and it's auto box that came out in '08.