Sky Captain Obvious

I recommend Preperation H for the butthurt.

People are surprised that a man who built his fortune pushing technology forward, set up this years regulations in a way that push technology forward? If you don't want things to change, don't make a cornerstone of the format that an individual can set up all the rules for next year.

Is it Bass, ass drop the bass, or Bass like "gul dern it, I realled in 17 pounder once"?

Soccer Moms

If it's not a Mercedes, what do you think it is? My money's on the Land Rover Defender replacement.

2:55 Dat Pass!

Hand was swollen? Seriously? What a pansy.

Seriously? Skinny jeans and pontoon ass stability running shoes? Someone please call the fashion branch of the German Police.

That's the PBSC. Passenger Boner Safety Cage.

Not to shabby. Thanks to the editor for actually leaving a solid section of engine note porn. Finally a Euro car promo piece that isn't ruined by late 90s electronic music. To bad it's ruined by poorly matched Dubstep.

Miley Cyrus. Taking a post twerk sit.

Bubble butt. Bubble bubble butt.

Is that a kid saying "Told ya." at the very end?

Watching this, a thought occurred. The line between stupidity and epicness is whether you stick the landing. These gentlemen safely landed in epic territory.

Cuisinart Outlet.

Don't mess with Texas I guess. Took a picture of this while in Dallas last May.

5 stitches in 5 seconds is because it's being filmed in slow mo.

First thing that popped in to my head when I saw the title.