
Now, this woman is transracial. A child of one race brought up in another.

The closest a country has come to an actual communists state (in action rather than name) is modern France, France has it’s problems, but it’s not half bad.

Communism is a nice idiology, but in practise the vacuum it leaves at the top makes it waaaaay too easy for it to turn into a dictatorship. I have no problem with people who identify as Communist, but if you want to implement it into an IRL state you’re gonna have to make some changes

IDK know it not being used for white woman- that Rachael idiot is being excused with mental illness a lot.

A hell of a lot of people on Tumblr are pretty strongly against her.

White people who do evil shit as ‘mentally ill’, black people who do evil shit are ‘thugs’. stop excusing her and stop dragging actual mentally ill people into this.

The problem with comparing what she did to what a theoretical trans woman did, is that trans women have a far, far, higher rate of being murdered than cis women. I would excuse the trans woman’s lies more easily because they are more likely to be due to the need to survive.

I’m white myself but the extend to which white people are desperately trying to excuse her is nauseating. She fucked up a lot of people, put both black rights and trans rights in the firing line with her bullshit appropriation of transracial; filed false hate crimes and lied about her family- to the point of possibly

While I wouldn’t believe this woman if she said the sky was blue- is she saying she’s always been Jewish, or that’s she’s converted. You can totally convert to judiaism.

They’re kids. Being lied about. To promote one person’s weird cultural appropriation fetish. That’s bad however you cut it.

Don’t, you were totally on point.

Well yes, it was. At the expense of her black adopted siblings who she passed off as her children.

To be fiar, at least they’re just doing it to themselves, they aren’t maintaining a massive lie at the expence of less privileged people.

This reminds me of those extreme weaboos who wants to be Japanese so bad they get plastic surgery on their eyes, only worse because at least America doesn’t have the same culture and history of oppression towards the Japanese as the black community.

To be fair you can convert to Judiaism.

No, you can’t. Did this woman suffer dysphoria from not being black? Did she have a massively higher chance of being murdered or committing suicide while doing her bullshit transition? Trans people walk a hard road and frankly comparing them are incredibly transphobic

Transethnic and transracial was coined by people who were adopted by families of an different race or ethnicity than theirs. This is bullshit co-option of a legitimate issue.

Man, my trouble with guys is that you work with them, they get a crush on you, they say stupid things and when you criticise them- they resign. What a bunch of crybabies.

Except for using everyday items for different yet strangely perfect uses. That’s pretty awesome.

Yeah, I’ve found politely pointing out when something is actually wrong gets your the VIP treatment. I’ve gotten free starters and an entire night of free drinks when the kitchen messed up.